Harry Truman approved an airlift to this blockaded city in 1948. Berlin Paris Prague Warsaw


Answer 1
Answer: The answer to the history question that is being presented above would be 'Berlin'. Berlin was the blockaded city that Harry Truman approved an airlift in 1948. All the other cities were not the right answer.
Answer 2

The correct answer is Berlin.

On June 24, 1948, the Soviet Union blocked all road and rail travel to and from West Berlin, as a response to the refusal of American and British officials to allow Russia more power in the economic future of Germany.

President Harry S. Truman ordered an extensive airlift of supplies into West Berlin until the Soviet Union lifted the blockade in 1949, at a total expense of $224 million and after the shipment of 2,323,738 tons of food, fuel, machinery, and different supplies.

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B. approving international treaties

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The power which is exclusive to the Senate is approving international treaties. Option B is correct.

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The answer is c. poll tax


c.poll tax


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The inca i am prety sure i read a book about that