The Safavid employed two_________ to help modernize their military.


Answer 1




The Safavid Empire or Safawi dynasty is considered to be the largest Iranian empire since the Muslim conquest of Persia. The safávidas are original of Ardabil, a city of the Iranian Azerbaijan, in that then a region in the north of Iran. They were predominantly an Azeri Turkic-speaking dynasty, whose classical language was Persian. The Safavids created a unified and independent Iranian state for the first time since the Muslim conquest of Persia, reaffirmed the Iranian political identity and established Shiite Islam as the official religion of Iran. The Safavids ruled Iran between 1502 and 1722, the year when the Pashtun forces of Mir Mahmud Hotaki invaded their domains. Later, in 1736, the Afsarid dynasty seized the territory, although some Safavid lords lasted until 1760.

Answer 2
Answer: Englishmen

hope this helps! good luck!

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B. "as a teacher, I am in favor of opening a new school". Author's point of view is where an author comes from--their culture, background, and experiences which shape their opinions. This point of view can lead to bias in a person's opinion. In the case of the quote, the teacher would have a definte position on the opening of a new school and that position would be based on being an educator. This position would differ from other point's of view like a tax payer or a parent.

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The last great German counteroffensive of the war was called the battle of the Bulge.

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Many believed that Johnson would agree with the up-hauling of the Southern social system. Instead, he issued his own Reconstruction plan on May 29, 1865. Johnson's plan called for special state conventions. These conventions would be held to repeal the state's decree of secession, disclaim all Confederate debts, and ratify the Thirteenth Amendment. Johnson's plan did call for a quick re-admittance, but it also demanded that the leading Confederates be disfranchised. Johnson's plan was more similar to Lincoln's, but it also dealt with the Confederates slightly harsher, like the congressional plan. In the end, it was Johnson's plan that was put into action. 

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