Small teams can often be more effective than larger ones.
a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: Yes, this is true! (Note that the question says" often", not "always" -sometimes a bigger team is needed!)

Especially when the work requires a high level of coordination among the team, a smaller team might be better, as it looses less energy on communication and coordination.

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Prominent legal scholars, recruited by the american law institute, organized the principles of the common law of contracts into the restatement of the law, contracts. this compilation has been revised and published as:



Restatement of the Law Second, Contracts.


Restatement of the law second, contract is basically just a reminder about the general principles to the  contract common law that that is aimed for lawyers and judges.

Since the principles act as a main foundation that regulate how these legal officials should behave, Restatement of the Law Second Contracts is already given to the law students ever since their early years in university and most of the time will be cited on every legal treaties.

Final answer:

The Restatement of the Law, Contracts, is a comprehensive guide collated by the American Law Institute that organizes the principles of common law contracts. It includes written and enacted laws but also includes references to situations where unwritten common-law is applied. This document undergoes revisions and is routinely updated based on reinterpretations and changing legal necessities.


The American Law Institute, composed of legal scholars, arranged the principles of the common law of contracts into a compilation called the Restatement of the Law, Contracts. This comprehensive synthesis effectively serves as a guide for the legal industry, encompassing written and enacted laws by legislature. However, it also takes into account scenarios where unwritten common-law is still applied.

In a common law legal system like that of the US and those derived from British rule, this compilation holds significance as it also captures the nuances of changes in statutes. It covers instances in which the common law is coded into the new rule, modified, or totally discarded based on the specific context of the legislation.

Contrary to the misconception that the restatement is a single book or document, it is comprehensive and gets updated based on regular reinterpretations and legal necessities that arise due to international conventions, new trends in moral or immoral conduct, or practical stipulations such as laws on communications, transportation or commerce.

Learn more about Restatement of the Law, Contracts here:


Which factor contributed to the Red Scare in the United States during the 1920s?a. Germany's attacks on United States cargo ships
b. the radical nature of the national administration in power
c. widespread hostility toward big business
d. success of the Communist Revolution in Russia


The success of the Communist Revolution in Russia contributed to the Red Scare in the United States during the 1920s. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "d". The Communists were able to overthrow the Royal family in Russia with their revolution and this created fear in the minds of the Americans. The Americans were totally against communism.

Define popular sovereignty.


"Popular sovereignty" means the people are in charge of establishing a government over themselves.  

The founding fathers of the United States adopted the idea of popular sovereignty from Enlightenment philosophers like John Locke (of England) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (of France).

The Declaration of Independence (1776), written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, asserted the concept of popular sovereignty.  The Declaration insisted that people institute governments in order to secure their rights, and that governments get their authority from the consent of the governed.  "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends," the Declaration of Independence said, "it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Popular sovereignty or the sovereignty of the people's rule is the principle that the authority of a state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (Rule by the People), who are the source of all political power.

The percentage of the labor force that is willing and able to work, does not currently have a job, and is actively looking for work is called _____. unemployment insurance cyclical unemployment unemployment rate


The correct answer is:

unemployment rate


Unemployment or joblessness is the position of actively scanning for employment but not doing currently applied. The unemployment rate is a measure of the currency of unemployment and it is circumscribed as a percentage by dividing the number of inactive individuals by all individuals currently in the operation force.

The percentage of the labor force that is willing and able to work, does not currently have a job, and is actively looking for work is called unemployment rate. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the last option. The rate of unemployment is increasing with each passing day.

Poles in 1918 and Jews prior to 1948 are examples of A) peoples without their own state B) colonized peoples in the British Empire C) groups that joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) D) groups represented on the United Nations Security Council


A) Jews formed Israel in 1948 after a UN mandate and Poles were granted Poland after World War I