If the asthenosphere cooled and stopped flowing. How would you expect the movement of tectonic plates in the lithosphere to change? The tectonic plates would _________?


Answer 1
Answer: If the asthenosphere cooled and stopped flowing. The movement of tectonic plates in the lithosphere  changes. The tectonic plateswould move  less than 2 cm a year.
The asthenosphere is the highly viscous, mechanically weak and ductilely deforming region of the upper mantle of the Earth.

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Carbon is the basis of all life and is constantly being cycled through ecosystems. In which form is carbon passed along from plants to animals?


carbon passed along from plants to animals in all of these forms: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids


Carbon compounds plants passing in the form of carbohydrates, protein, and lipids along the food chains to the animals.


In the food chain, plants produce glucose as food and cellulose for their cell wall. Animals eat plants for their food. So through the food chain, carbon presents in plants move to animals in the form of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates mainly.

The boxer crab, Lybia tesselata, carries a small pair of anemones in its claws. When approached by a predator, it waves the anemones around, presenting the stinging tentacles and chasing away the predator. The anemones benefit by eating food particles from prey that the crab catches. What type of relationship is this?


This is a symbiotic relationship between the Boxer crab and sea anemone.


The symbiosis is a type of relationship between two species which has benifit for both the participating organisms.

Here in case of boxer crab, the crab gets the help from the sea anemone in the form of protection. The sea anemone chases the predators and thereby saves the organism from being hunted.

On the other hand, the sea anemone gets food from the crab's prey which he hunts.

So there's a benifit for both.

Give one distinct characteristic which separates human beings from all other living organisms.A) Option 1: Ability to fly
B) Option 2: Photosynthesis
C) Option 3: Use of language and complex communication
D) Option 4: Exoskeleton




Final answer:

The special characteristic that separates humans from all other living organisms is our ability to use language and complex communication. We can share a wide range of thoughts and feelings through a variety of symbolic communication systems, a capability no other creatures possess.


The distinct characteristic that differentiates human beings from all other living organisms is 'Option 3: Use of language and complex communication'. Humans have a unique capacity to express a limitless range of ideas and emotions through complex systems of symbolic communication including language, writing, art, mathematics, and science. Other organisms communicate, but none have the ability to create, manipulate, and pass down complex symbolic systems like humans.

Learn more about Human's Unique Communication here:



Imagine you are listening to a speech by a member of the National Consumers’ League. Which issue do you think they are protesting?A. A factory does not clean its workspace every night.

B. A store is hiring a lot of immigrants to work on the weekends.

C. A restaurant is letting their waiters keep all of their own tips.

D. Two large, national companies are merging and laying off workers.


ANSWER: A. A factory does not clean its workspace every night.

EXPLANATION: The National Consumer's League is an American consumer organization founded in the year 1899. It advocates for consumers on marketplace and workplace issues. They voiced for safer and secure workspace, fair working conditions, protected workers from exploitation by employers, promoted food inspection and advocated for child labor restrictions, the limiting of work hours and establishing minimum wage laws for women. So, it can be guessed that they are protesting for factory's clean workplace.

They are protesting for that a factory does not clean its workspace every night. The answer to your question is A. I hope that this is the answer that you were looking for and it has helped you.

Nami conducts an investigation on plants. She places a grow light on a timer to give the plants different amounts of light to see if this would affect their growth. In this investigation, the amount of light is the



-Independent variable


-An independent variable is defines as the variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment. An independent is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment to test the effects on the dependent variable. A dependent variable on the other hand, is the variable being tested and measured in a scientific experiment.

-A change in the independent variable directly causes a change in the dependent variable.The independent and dependent variables may be viewed in terms of cause and effect.

Nami conducts an investigation on plants. She places a grow light on a timer to give the plants different amounts of light to see if this would affect their growth. In this investigation, the amount of light is the independent variable. The reason being that its the cause of change in growth in the experiment.

I hope it helps, Regards.

In the presence of lidocaine, the action potential was NOT affected at R1 because _______. In the presence of lidocaine, the action potential was NOT affected at R1 because _______. lidocaine doesn't have an effect on the generation of action potentials lidocaine was applied upstream of R1 lidocaine was applied downstream of R1 there are no voltage-gated sodium channels to be affected



In the presence of lidocaine, the action potential was NOT affected at R1 because lidocaine was applied downstream of R1


Lidocaine is an anesthetic that has the power to neutralize neuromal membranes. This anesthetic power allows the ionic fluxes capable of stimulating impulses to be diffused and this allows a dormancy to be achieved. However, when lidocaine is applied downstream to a molecule or structure, the action potential of that structure or molecule is not affected and it may continue to receive impulses.

Final answer:

Lidocaine does not affect the generation of action potentials because it blocks voltage-gated sodium channels.


In the context of neural signaling, lidocaine often functions as a local anesthetic by inhibiting voltage-gated sodium channels, which are necessary for the propagation of action potentials. If the action potential at R1 was not affected in the presence of lidocaine, it could be due to several reasons. One possibility is that lidocaine was applied upstream or downstream of R1, which would not directly impact the action potential at R1. Another possibility is that there are no voltage-gated sodium channels at R1 to be affected by lidocaine.

Learn more about Action Potential here:
