Situation #3: Country X, where you live, has been run by the same military dictator for 40 years. The army is paid by him. Your country is poor. You are a member of a rebel student group that operates secretly in the capital.Is there a realistic way to bring about nonviolently change in this country?

a. If not, why?
b. If yes, why?


Answer 1
Answer: b) As we look back on history their has been many protests in time used NONVIOLENTLY to bring a change that was greatly needed in a country. For example; Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi. If you are a student rebel in this country's capital you can realistically bring change without violence.
One realistic plan is that you and your group secretly recruit more rebels until you have a multiplied your groups number from a range of 2 times - to ten times - the size of your original number. Remember that you are trying to be nonviolent so in an effort to show that you aren't a threat you should write a peaceful letter to the dictator encouraging change. Remember to be kind in your writing and give examples of your perspecive. If the dictator does not change after recieving your letter, you and your group should march around the country's capital with words of peace and kindness. Make sure to say what you want, it is good to be kind but you must say what you are fighting for. You should have protests and find ways, and do things, that will bring the people on your side. If all has failed, you should cry out to another country for support and aid in your rally. They should help you and with hope, you can over-through your dictator!

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Compare and Contrast Western US and Eastern US


Answer: It rains a lot on the East Coast, and other than the state of Washington, it is as dry as a bone on the West Coast. The East is fast-paced, while the West Coast moves at a more leisurely pace.


The Western US and Eastern US are two distinct regions with unique characteristics. Here are some key points to compare and contrast them:

1. Geography:

- The Western US is known for its diverse landscapes, including the Rocky Mountains, deserts like the Mojave and Sonoran, and coastal areas like California's beaches. It also has natural wonders like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park.

- The Eastern US is characterized by the Appalachian Mountains, the Great Lakes, and the Atlantic coastline. It has more forests and a milder climate compared to the Western US.

2. Climate:

- The Western US has a varied climate due to its size and topography. For example, California experiences a Mediterranean climate with dry summers and mild winters, while states like Arizona and Nevada have hot desert climates.

- The Eastern US generally has a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot and humid summers and cold winters. However, the northern part of the region has a humid continental climate with colder winters and shorter summers.

3. Population and Cities:

- The Western US has a lower population density compared to the Eastern US. Cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle are major economic and cultural centers in the West.

- The Eastern US is more densely populated and home to major cities like New York, Boston, and Washington, D.C. These cities are hubs for finance, politics, and culture.

4. Economy and Industries:

- The Western US has a strong focus on technology, entertainment, and agriculture. Silicon Valley in California is known for its tech industry, while Hollywood dominates the entertainment sector. Western states like California and Washington are major agricultural producers.

- The Eastern US has a more diverse economy with industries such as finance, manufacturing, and healthcare. Cities like New York City and Boston are financial centers, and states like Pennsylvania and Ohio have a strong manufacturing presence.

5. Cultural Differences:

- The Western US is often associated with a more laid-back and outdoorsy lifestyle. It has a diverse population with influences from various ethnic groups, including Hispanic, Asian, and Native American cultures.

- The Eastern US has a more urban and fast-paced lifestyle. It has a rich history, with cultural influences from European immigrants and a strong emphasis on education and intellectual pursuits.

These are just some of the key differences between the Western US and Eastern US. It's important to note that within each region, there is further diversity and variations in climate, geography, and culture.


The Western US and Eastern US differ in several ways:

1. Climate: The Eastern US generally experiences a humid and subtropical climate, while the Western US has a more varied climate. The West Coast, especially in the state of Washington, receives significant rainfall, while other areas are drier.

2. Landscapes: The Western US is known for its diverse landscapes, including mountains, deserts, and coastal regions. The Eastern US, on the other hand, has more flat terrain and forests, including the famous Appalachian Mountains.

3. Population and Urbanization: The Eastern US is generally more densely populated and has more urban areas, such as New York City, Boston, and Miami. The Western US, while still home to major cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco, generally has more open spaces and a lower population density.

4. Cultural Differences: The Eastern US has a longer history of European settlement, which has shaped its cultural diversity and historical landmarks. The Western US, being a newer settlement, has a more diverse cultural mix with influences from Native American, Hispanic, and Asian cultures.

5. Time Zone Differences: The Eastern US falls within the Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) zone, while the Western US falls within Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) zone.

Remember, these are just general differences, and each region within the Western US and Eastern US may have distinct characteristics and variations.

Geographically, the Western US is characterized by diverse landscapes such as mountains, deserts, and coastal areas. On the other hand, the Eastern US consists of flatter terrain with a mix of forests, plains, and coastal areas. This geographical difference affects the climate and natural resources of each region.

In terms of climate, the Western US generally experiences a drier and more arid climate, especially in states like California, Nevada, and Arizona. This is due to the presence of large deserts and a lack of consistent rainfall. Conversely, the Eastern US tends to have a more humid climate with more rainfall, particularly along the East Coast.

How to finish a space report in ten minutes?


There's no answer to this besides working diligently and focusing! A report done in ten minutes won't be your best work, but it may be your quickest. First things first, though: Get off of brainly and get to it!
Maybe try not procrastinating? 

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it is Grover Cleveland
grover cleveland was the 22nd president

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church serveses were held in local languages. It brought other people from other territories together.

Answer: During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church grew in size and strength, replacing the Roman Empire as the unifying force in Western Europe. Because there was no longer a strong government like one that existed during the Roman Empire there needed to be something that would unify the many different groups/tribes of people that were inhabiting Rome and all of Western Europe.

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i dont think ik this one

What rebel leander became emperor after the Mongols were driven out China??


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Yuangzhang did not only become the first Ming emperor, but he was also responsible for the chinese forces being able to push the mongolians out of their territory and after claiming the Mandate of Heaven, he established the new ruling dynasty in the year of 1386. Also, during this year, him and his army invaded the city of Khanbaliq, the center of the Yuan dynasty, and turned it into his own headquarters. Khanbaliq later became known as Beijing. He ruled for a long time and made his many sons princes. However, his rule was ended when his own nephew attempted to dethrone him and the Ming Yongle Emperor took over.