Why is cinco de mayo important to american culture?


Answer 1
Answer: it isn't exempt for the immigrants that hopped the fence and swam the river

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Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, the correct response would be that they officially declared war on Great Britain, since this meant that they were now the leading body in charge of the 13 colonies. 




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That it would be a long drawn out war

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Its B ) The Federal deficit continues to rise...


The largest economic issues of the 1980s and 1990s "have been the Federal deficit and the Federal debt". The United States government has not had a balanced budget since 1969.

The deficit has been a hot political issue. Congress has several times passed legislation that planned to end the deficits within a specified number of years. However, the debt continues to rise. It has now reached into the trillions of dollars.

During World War II the US government sent people of Japanese ascensions to internment camps based on


Answer and explanation:  During World War II the US government sent people of Japanese ascensions to internment camps based on a preocupation on national security. After the japanese attack to Pearl Harbor, in 1941, Roosevelt decided in 1942, to give the order of sending japanese people to the internment camps with the supposed aim to avoid espionage and to protect Japanese descents from being injured by anti-japanese americans. Of the around 117,000 people of Japanese descent who were sent to the camps, two-thirds  were native-born citizens of the US.

These measures were analyzed later as racism, discrimination, the camps were compared to concentration camps. Some people still believe it was a security necessity at the time.

Most people who were affected during the way were natives, but they were born in America. After the war, all the Japanese citizens, both young and old, were told to assemble at the centers of their homes. Later they were relocated permanently to different centers far from the restricted military camps.

The persons at the Japanese ancestry in the state were moved to other fairgrounds, and after severally months they were permanently taken to wartime residences located miles away from inland.

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The Korean War was the first war in which the United Nations played a military role. The war was a major challenge for the United Nations and tested the ability of this international body to keep peace in the world.


Were Native justified in leaving the reservation?why or why not?


Even US President Grant said that the Native American tribes were correct in resisting the "reservation system". He did, however, need to help expand US western growth. His orders to his generals in the West were to force Native Americans on to reservations. He believed this was a must in order to expand settlements and create farmlands and mines. Grant had no choice despite his ideas to avoid conflicts.