When was the wall street crash


Answer 1


October, 24, 1929


October 24, 1929 is recognized as the day of the Wall Street crash and signaled the start of the American Great Depression, which took place during a majority of the 1930s.

Answer 2


The Wall Street Crash occurred in America in October 1929

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While all this was happening in the United States, there was still a war going on, and the situation was desperate. By April 1917, a million soldiers in the French army had been killed. In 1916's Battle of Verdun alone, the French lost about 160,000. In April 1917, the French poilus in seven corps were ordered to attack Chemin des Dames, a massive limestone formation that the Germans had transformed into a perfect defensive position. French units suffered 40,000 casualties the first day of the offensive and 271,000 over the course of the offensive. And then they quit. French soldiers had had enough, and about half of its infantry divisions refused to fight. These mutinies -- which the Germans never found out about -- caused the commander to resign and brought Gen. Philippe Petain, the hero of Verdun, to command of French forces. Petain, who collaborated with the Nazis in World War II, would rest the forces, grant leave and order no new offensives. His strategy "was to wait for the tanks and the Americans." Across the continent, Russian Czar Nicholas II had abdicated. While Russian forces were still in the field against German and Austro-Hungarian forces, they were stumbling toward dissolution with units already choosing sides for what would become a civil war. And in Italy, a combined German-Austrian offensive pushed the Italian army back 60 miles from the battle line along the Isonzo River in the Battle of Caporetto. To stabilize the front, British and French units -- desperately needed in France -- had to deploy to Italy. This was the situation Pershing faced when he arrived in France on June 10. A cobbled together U.S. Army provisional division -- which morphed into the 1st Division, "the Big Red One" -- began arriving later in the month to a rapturous welcome. On July 4, the Big Red One paraded through Paris and stopped at the tomb of the Marquis de Lafayette -- the French nobleman who valiantly fought in the American Revolution. "Lafayette, we are here," said Army Col. Charles E. Stanton during a speech at the tomb. And more would be coming. After surveying the strategic situation, Pershing sent a telegram to the War Department: "Plans contemplate sending over at least one million men by next May." It was a tall order, and at the time it was written, a seemingly impossible one.

How did Pericles change the practice of democracy in Athens?


The great Athenian leader of the 5th century BCE, Pericles, was swept into power in a popular democratic movement. A member of a noble and venerable family, Pericles led the Athenians against Cimon for harboring autocratic intentions. Pericles had been the leader of the democratic faction of Athenian politics since 462 BCE. Ephialtes was the Athenian leader who had finally divested the Areopagus of all its power; Athens was now solely governed by the council and the democratic Assembly. 

Pericles quickly brought forward legislation that let anyone serve as the archon [one of the nine central leaders], despite birth or wealth. The Assembly became the central power of the state. Consisting of all the free-born male citizens of Athens, the Assembly was given sole approval or veto power over every state decision. The Assembly was not a representative government, but instead consisted of every male citizen. In terms of numbers, this still was not a democratic state: women weren't included, nor were foreigners, slaves or freed slaves. 

Pericles also changed the rules of citizenship: before the ascendancy of Pericles, anyone born of a single Athenian parent was an Athenian citizen; Pericles instituted laws which demanded that both parents be Athenian citizens. So, in reality, the great democracy of Periclean Athens was in reality only a very small minority of the people living in Athens. It was, however, the closest human culture has come to an unadulterated democracy. 

One figure towers over this new democratic state: Pericles. This Age of Athens, which begins either in 462 or 450 or 445 BCE and lasts until 404 BCE, when Athens was defeated by Sparta, is called the Athenian Age, the Classical Age or after its most important political figure, the Age of Pericles. 

And still there remains the figure of Pericles himself. There is no question that the democratic reforms of the Age of Pericles owe their existence to the energy of this political figure. He was a man of immense persuasiveness and an orator of great power. Although he was eventually ostracized by the Athenians [he later returned], he dominated the democratic government of Athens with his formidable capacity to speak and to persuade. He had two central policies: democratic reform and the maintenance of the empire. 

Sparta, however, growing increasinly wary of Athenian prosperity, would soon find itself entangled once again with its old rival. The thirty year peace managed to hang on for only fourteen years before hostilities broke out again. In 431BCE, a second war broke out, called simply The Peloponnesian War; this war would see the death of Pericles in its second year, but eventually witness the foolish destruction of the Athenian navy, the defeat of Athens and the end of Athenian democracy.

thank you <3
Pericles was the ruler of Athens during the Peloponnesian War. He liked democracy n stuff

Can you put number 1, 2, and 3 in a paragraph with details about them?1. Constitution requires each state legislature to determine how electors for that state are to be chosen, and it disqualifies any person holding a federal office, either elected or appointed, from being an elector.
2. We wont have an elective president and office.
3. If they didn't pick who bad people can come into office.
I will give you brainly if you answer it good. DON"T USE WEB AND ANSWER WITH THREE DETAILS ABOUT 1, 2, AND 3.





because in a paragraph you need to leave a little space for you to start another paragraph

What came first? Motte and Bailey castles or stone keeps?



If it helps np


Stone castles were built taller and gave better protection against attack, fire and cold rainy weather. ... Stone castles replaced the motte and bailey castles but the stone castles also changed over time. The rectangular Keep. Shortly after the Normans invaded England, they began building rectangular stone keeps.

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It's like when someone dates you but they are not who they say they are,
or online dating when you think for example : lets say you date Justin beiber online , but really it's just "mark" from school

A person with a false identity , also known as Catfish , An individual who creates a false identity.  

Why did cities grow quickly during the Industrial Revolution?a.
People loved city night life.
Fewer workers were needed on farms.
People fled rural pollution.
People grew rich in cities.


The urbanization happened quickly during the Industrial Revolution as the need of workers in farms reduced due to invention of machinery that helped amass the production.

How did urbanization happen during the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution took place in Europe during the end of the eighteenth century. During the Industrial Revolution, automation of processes became possible due to invention of  machinery.

As the need for workers in the farms lowered, the workers migrated to urbanareas and started working in factories in order to look for employment opportunities.

As there was a huge migration of workers, the infrastructural facilities grew ultimately as a result of demand and supply factors. The growth led to urbanization on a large scale in Europe.

Hence, option B; fewer workers were needed on farms as the cities grew during the Industrial Revolution, is a correct statement.

Learn more about urbanization during the Industrial Revolution here:


Answer: I think the answer is B.  

Fewer workers were needed on farms.


I hope i had helped you! Have a Great Day! =)