Gloria is hard to get to know. Whenever she is put in a situation that might reveal her true personality, she withdraws into a shell, where she feels safe and hidden.Which figure of speech does the author use in the passage?

A. epic simile

B. implied metaphor

C. imagery

D. personification


Answer 1
Answer: I am sorry if this is not the answer (I am not a ELA nerd.) but to me it seems as if it it an implied metaphor.
Answer 2


implied metaphor.


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Exposition: This is where the story begins, and the main characters, setting, and conflict are introduced.

Rising Action: This is where the conflict is developed and intensified. The protagonist faces obstacles and challenges that make it difficult to achieve their goal.

Climax: This is the turning point of the story. It’s the moment of highest tension and drama where the protagonist faces their greatest challenge.

Falling Action: This is where the conflict begins to be resolved. The tension decreases as the protagonist overcomes their obstacles.

Denouement: This is where the story ends. The loose ends are tied up, and the conflict is resolved.

Based on this framework, we can make some assumptions about where each stage might occur in your story:

Exposition: Lily discovers a small village.

Rising Action: Lily gets lost and stuck in a dangerous situation while exploring a hidden path in the forest.

Climax: Lily climbs a tree to get a better view of her surroundings and finally sees the light of the village.

Falling Action: Lily makes her way towards the village and finally arrives home.

Denouement: The story ends.

Please note that this is just one possible interpretation of your story based on Freytag’s Pyramid 1. Other interpretations are possible depending on how you choose to structure your narrative.

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