A car of mass m accelerates from speed v_1 to speed v_2 while going up a slope that makes an angle theta with the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction is mu_s, and the acceleration due to gravity is g. Find the total work W done on the car by the external forces.


Answer 1


Work done by external force is given as

Work_(external) = mgLsin\theta + \mu mgLcos(\theta) + (1)/(2)mv_2^2 - (1)/(2)mv_1^2


As per work energy Theorem we can say that work done by all force on the car is equal to change in kinetic energy of the car

so we will have

Work_(external) + Work_(gravity) + Work_(friction) = (1)/(2)mv_2^2 - (1)/(2)mv_1^2

now we have

W_(gravity) = -mg(Lsin\theta)

W_(friction) = -\mu mgcos(\theta) L

so from above equation

Work_(external) - mgLsin\theta - \mu mgLcos(\theta) = (1)/(2)mv_2^2 - (1)/(2)mv_1^2

so from above equation work done by external force is given as

Work_(external) = mgLsin\theta + \mu mgLcos(\theta) + (1)/(2)mv_2^2 - (1)/(2)mv_1^2

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Answer: The average velocity will be 0 m/s.


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\text{Average velocity}=\frac{Displacement}{\text{total time}}

In the given question, it states that the person stops at the same point from where it started, which means that the displacement of this person is 0 meters.

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\text{Average velocity}=\frac{0}{\text{total time}}=0m/s

Hence, the average velocity will be 0 m/s.

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D. Both Natalie and Will


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A. only Natalie


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