Beginning in the 1600s the Tokugawa shoguns who ruled Japan tried to maintain stability and order by


Answer 1


The Correct Answer is By "shut the country off from contact with the outside world to prevent disruption by foreigners".


  • During the early 1600s, Japan closed itself off from the outer world by following the Isolationism.
  • Under the rule of Tokugawa shoguns, Japan strictly follows the system of Feudalism.
  • Samurai warriors kept Japan protected from the outer threats and fairly peaceful for two centuries.

Answer 2
Answer: They sort of established a form of isolationism. They would keep them out of contact with the outside world, so no one was being influenced by the culture or beliefs of the outside world.

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What are the similarities between the feudal social structure and the hindu caste system?​


Caste and feudal system are social hierarchies which means people are based on social significance.


Both caste and feudal systems have four categories. Caste system has Brahmins, Kshatriya, vaishyas and shudras. Feudal systems has kings, nobles, knights and peasants. Persons class determined the occupation he took up and he attains pride based on the job he does. people who do menial jobs are treated in a different manner. Power was based on the class which the individual belong to.

There was no improvement of the people moving to the next strata in the society. Caste system was based on religion while feudal system was based on the Catholic church belief. Feudal system ended but the caste system still prevails in India.

Final answer:

The feudal social structure and the Hindu caste system entail rigid hierarchies based on birth, predetermined social roles, and limited opportunities for social mobility.


Both the feudal social structure and the Hindu caste system are hierarchical systems that determined an individual's social status, rights, and roles within society. In the feudal system, the hierarchy was based on birthright, loyalty, and military service from serfs at the bottom to the king at the top. Similarly, in the Hindu caste system, individuals are born into a specific caste, such as Brahmins (priests and scholars) at the top and Shudras (servants) at the bottom, determined by birth.

Another similarity is that both systems were remarkably stable and rigid, with little chance of movement between levels. In both the feudal structure and the Hindu caste system, social mobility was limited and your status in the hierarchy often dictated your profession, social ties, and even your spouse.

Learn more about Social hierarchies here:


What was Nicholas Copernicus known for?A. introducing the theory of gravity

B. improving the telescope, thermometer, and compass

C. using mathematics to prove the earth revolves around the sun

D. developing a new branch of mathematics called calculus


C. Using a specific model to prove the earth moving around the Sun.

Nicholas Copernicus,

He was also the author of the book  on the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies.  Was a Renaissance-era mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe, in all likelihood independently of Aristarchus of Samos, who had formulated such a model some eighteen centuries earlier. He use mathematics to prove the earth revolves around the sun, which is why a lot of people know about him, though it isn't the reason that everyone knows him.

So the answer to your question is C. using mathematics to prove the earth revolves around the sun.

:) Hope it helps! I got a A- on the semester test, hope you get a good grade aswell!

EDIT: Realized I'm 2 years late. Sorry!

Why did these members of Parliament send this letter? A. They thought the Prince of Orange had a better claim to the throne than James II.
B.They wanted an absolute ruler like Louis XIV.
C. They were determined to have a limited monarchy, and James II would not agree.
D. They wanted a king who would protect the rights of Catholics in England.


The members of Parliament sent this letter because they believed that the Prince of Orange had a better claim to the throne than James II Therefore the correct option is A.

They believed that the Prince of Orange would be a more suitable ruler who would uphold their ideals of a limited monarchy. They were determined to establish a government system that would have checks and balances, ensuring the protection of individual rights and preventing the concentration of power in the hands of one person, as seen in the absolute rule of Louis XIV.

Additionally, they wanted a king who would safeguard the rights of Catholics in England, recognizing the need for religious tolerance and equality. Hence, the primary reason for sending the letter was their preference for a monarch who aligned with their vision of a limited and inclusive monarchy.

Hence the correct option is A.

To know more about  Louis XIV visit:


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C. They were determined to have a limited monarchy, and James II would not agree. " the members of Parliament send this letter is that C. They were determined to have a limited monarchy, and James II would not agree. 

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