English X - SkillsCapitalization
Which of these sentences uses correct capitalization?
Yellowstone National Park, the West's oldest National park, is the site of Old Faithful.

Yellowstone National Park, the West's oldest national park, is the site of Old Faithful.

Yellowstone National Park, the West's oldest national park, is the site of Old faithful.

Yellowstone National Park, the West's oldest national park, is the site of old Faithful.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is 'Yellowstone National Park, the West's oldest national park, is the site of Old Faithful'. 'Yellowstone National Park', 'West', and 'Old Faithful' are all proper nouns, so they need to be capitalized. 'National park' does not need to be capitalized, because 'park' is a common noun, and 'national' is just an adjective describing it.

Hope this helps!
Answer 2


Yellowstone National Park, the West's oldest national park, is the site of Old Faithful'.


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D. is wrong. It should be "One hero in the animation field is Mel Blanc, the voice behind many cartoon characters." because the information after Mel Blanc is not necessary to the sentence. It's just extra, so you need a comma.

The one that uses incorrect punctuation is "b"

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