PowerPoint provides only three picture effects. (True/false)


Answer 1
Answer: False. PowerPoint can provide six picture effects: shadow, reflection, glow, soft edges, bevel, and 3-D rotation.

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Given that the time to read data off a 7200 rpm disk drive will be roughly 75% of a 5400 rpm disk, at what idle time of the 7200 rpm disk will the power consumption be equal, on average, for the two disks?



Given that the time to read data off a 7200 rpm disk drive will be roughly 75% of 5400 rpm disk, at 30% idle time of 7200 rpm disk will the power consumption be equal, on average for the two disk


Let the 7200-disk busy time = x  ( we need to calculate it)

As given in the question the in the given time to read data off a 7200 rpm disk drive will be roughly 75% of 5400 rpm disk. This mean that we equalize the equations of both disk power

7200-disk power      =     5400-disk power

here we apply the formula to calculate the 7200 rpm disk busy time

4.0 * (1-x) + 7.9 * x      =     2.9 * (1-x/0.75) + 7.0 * x/0.75

4.0 + 3.9 x                  =      2.9 – 3.87 x + 9.33 x

1.1                                =        5.47 x – 3.9 x

we calculate the value for x

Hence                   x = 0.70

Applying formula to calculate the idle time.

Idle time = 1.0 – 0.70 = 0.30

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It gets to the recipient faster


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Write a program with source file name IsPrime.cpp that asks the user to enter a ""positive whole number in the range 2 through 1000"" and determines whether the entered number is prime.



#include <iostream>

bool isPrime(int number) {

   if (number <= 1) {

       return false;


   for (int i = 2; i * i <= number; i++) {

       if (number % i == 0) {

           return false;



   return true;


int main() {

   int number;

   std::cout << "Enter a positive whole number in the range 2 through 1000: ";

   std::cin >> number;


   if (isPrime(number)) {

       std::cout << number << " is a prime number.\n";

   } else {

       std::cout << number << " is not a prime number.\n";



   return 0;



What is printed by the following program? var numApples = 10; var numOranges = 5; if(numApples < 20 || numOranges == numApples){ println("Hello, we are open!"); } else { println("Sorry, we are closed!"); } println("Sincerely, the grocery store");



The output of the following code is "Hello, we are open! Sincerely, the grocery store ".


In the given code firstly we declare the variable that is numApples and numOranges. In this variable we assign value and the datatype of the variable is var. The var datatype can hold any type of data. Then we use the conditional statement. In the conditional statement, we use the OR logical operator. In the if block we check the condition that is if numApples variable value is less then 20 OR numOranges variable value is equal to numApples then it will print "Hello, we are open!". In the else block it will print "Sorry, we are closed!". In the last, we print "Sincerely, the grocery store".So in this question, if block is executed and the additional message is printed.

a) To calculate the Amount for Keyboard: SUM(D2:D6) b) To calculate the Amount for Mouse: SUM(D7:D11) c) To calculate the Amount for USB drive: SUM(D12:D16) d) To calculate Maximum Price: MAX(D2:D16) e) To calculate Average Price: AVERAGE(D2:D16)
