A person receives an O allele and an A allele for blood type. What is the individual’s blood type? type A type B type AB type O


Answer 1


type A


If a person receives an O allele from one parent and an A allele from another parent then this person will have A type blood.

Blood group of a person is decided by the presence or absence of antigen A and B & their antibodies. We have ABO type of blood group system in which A and B antigens are co-dominant i.e. if both the antigens are present on the surface of red blood cells then the person will have AB blood group because both are equally dominant.

Rest of the blood groups and their allelic combinations are mentioned as under:

A blood group →  AA or AO

B blood group →  BB or BO

AB blood group →  AB

O blood group →  OO

In the given question the person has one O allele but it is receiving an A allele also. A allele is dominant on O allele so the person will have A type blood group.

O type blood group will be exhibited by a person only when it has both the alleles as 'O'.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer for this question is type O

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they are all extremely hot due to pressure
The correct answer is D.)They are all extremely hot due to pressure.

My reason being is because with out anything leaving or entering there is a lot of build up so this means that it is very hot in what ever room it is , plus lots of pressure .

I really hope that this helps you out a lot.

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The light energy or sunlight
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The spores release from the gametophyte
The gametophytes grow directly from the sporophyte
The spores release from the male cones



The correct answer is The gametophytes grow directly from the sporophyte.


Conifers are a group of plants that belong to what is called Pinophyta.

They abound in quantity in cold areas although many different types of this plant can also be found in tropical areas.

They are formed by live gemnosperm plants, this means that their seeds do not form in closed cavities but are "naked". These seeds are evergreen, this means that their leaves will not fall throughout the year and usually live for more than two years or produce other seeds again.

Gametophytes are haploid plants that are usually located in or below the soil and are responsible for producing gametes.

These grow directly from the sporophyte, which is the phase in which a plant reproduces by spores.

So we can say that the correct answer is The gametophytes grow directly from the sporophyte.


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The statement given in this question is TRUE.


Environmental designers refers to those professionals, who specialize in creating human-designed environments. Such professionals include: architectures, urban planners, geographers, interior designers, etc. Generally environmental designing involves addressing environmental elements during the course of devising plans and policies for an environment.

Environmental designers typically ensure that environmental resources are judiciously used. Note that environmental designers also design structures to match the environment and they also ensure the proper use of all environmental elements.  

Is glass biotic or abiotic factor?


Biotic means living organisms.
Abiotic means a non-living thing.

However with that knowledge, a glass is an abiotic factor because it has no life. 

Abiotic factors have a significant impact on how ecosystems develop and how living things interact with each other.

Being an inorganic material, glass has several important properties. It is not alive and cannot grow, procreate or respond to stimuli. Typically, molten materials composed mostly of minerals and inorganic compounds are heated and cooled to form glass.

It is used extensively in many human endeavors including manufacturing, production and packaging. In ecological situations glass can have an impact on the environment by affecting light transmission, thermal characteristics and physical barriers. Despite not being directly involved in biological processes, glass can have indirect effects on living things by altering habitat conditions and modifying ecological dynamics.

Learn more about Abiotic factors, here:
