Which sentence uses italics correctly? A.Did you read the article Backpacking in Italy?

B.It was in last month's issue of that new magazine, Traveling.

C.This book contains a chapter titled Sicily and Sardinia.

D.Before visiting Italy, I read the book "The Italians" by Luigi Barzini.


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D.Before visiting Italy, I read the book "The Italians" by Luigi Barzini." the sentence that uses italics correctly is that D.Before visiting Italy, I read the book "The Italians" by Luigi Barzini.

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A is the correct answer.




What two elements make up a story's setting?a. Events and action
b. Time and place
c. Conflicts and obstacles
d. Changes and location


The correct answer is B. The time and place of the story makes up the setting. The setting includes the historical moment and location where the story happened. It will determine the mood of the story.

time and place

The setting is where and when the story takes place. The events and action of a story is the plot. Conflicts and obstacles make up the rising action and climax. Changes and location is simply incorrect.

The narrative in Nectar in a Sieve is told from a (an) _____ point of view.


The narrative in "Nectar in a Sieve" is told from a 'first person' point of view. Rukmani is the narrator of her own story, which she tells in a flashback. 

First Person Point of View

When trying to determine the point of view something is written in, the thing to look for is the use of pronouns.  First person point of view will use the pronouns I, me, my, mine, myself, us, we, our, ours, ourselves.  It’s like a person speaking directly to you in where you are given a personal account of events, which is generally quite subjective.

What does precede most likely mean?


Definition of precede

transitive verb

  • 1: to surpass in rank, dignity, or importance
  • 2: to be, go, or come ahead or in front of
  • 3: to be earlier than
  • 4: to cause to be preceded: PREFACE

intransitive verb

  • : to go or come before

Does preceded mean before or after?

Precede means "to come, be, or go before." It can also mean surpassing in rank or dignity. The closely related word proceed means "to continue after a pause" or "to begin and carry on an action." Often precede is related to time, while the proceeding is related to action.

What is an example of Precede?

An example of to precede is to be the first in line.

Learn more about What is an example of Precede? here:  brainly.com/question/26123730


Precede means to go before
Ex, 4 precedes 5 which means 4 goes before 5

In the story on New York Times titled, "Lesson of the Day: ‘These Families Feel Forgotten as N.Y.C. Pushes to Open Schools"1. How do the experiences of Arianne Allan, a mother of two, illustrate the limitations of new city services for remote learning, such as giving all public school students an iPad?

2. Create a chart with four columns: (1) issues and challenges, (2) responses from families who are homeless, (3) responses from advocacy groups and (4) responses from the local government and the Department of Education. Then, respond to the following questions using your chart to organize your answers:

What are some of the challenges and issues that families without housing are facing as the new school year approaches?

What are some of the solutions that families and advocacy groups are suggesting?

How has the city and the Department of Education responded?

3. Why are some homeless families deciding to send their children to in-person school this fall? What layers of privilege — such as social class and the ability to work from home — affect how much choice parents have about their child’s education this fall?

4. Christlie Jean-Baptiste, a college student and mother of two children, said of families in shelters, “We’re kind of overlooked.” Based on how Ms. Jean-Baptiste describes her experiences with remote learning, why do you think she feels overlooked?

5. What were some of the factors that Crystal Berroa, a mother of three, was facing as she tried to decide whether or not to send her children back to the classroom for in-person learning?


Answer and Explanation:

1. In the article we can see that public schools in New York when planning how remote education would be, due to the coronavirus, did not take into account the situation of many students who do not have the minimum resources to attend online classes. This can be seen in the case portrayed in the article, the case of the family of Arianne Allan. She and her children do not have a home and live in a shelter that does not have a wifi network, in addition to having no telephone signal, which greatly impairs the education of children. In addition, Arianne's children contracted the coronavirus and received iPads donated by the school late, which hampered their education. Arianne, concerned about the children's education, had to use her salary to pay for an inefficient and unreliable wifi network. Many children are in the same situation, or worse, but schools have not moved to help them and have yet stipulated the return to face-to-face classes, without worrying if some students are academically late.

2. a) families do not know if their children will have sufficient academic base to follow the classroom classes, since they were unable to follow the remote classes. b) Families and advocacy groups are suggesting that schools, at least, correct the errors of donated iPads, so that children can better study and monitor the school year, in addition to the need for schools to promote social professionals that help students access the study platforms, in addition to correcting technical problems that may happen.

3. Because they will have better academic support, where the academic system will be concerned with whether they are able to study or not. For this, it is necessary that parents have a better economic condition than they currently have, it is necessary to have a job that is well paid, allowing the school to be paid and essential services such as food, water, among others to be provided. for the children.

4. She feels forgetful because she doesn't have the support needed for her and her children, besides, nobody seems to care about it. My experience with remote study is not so different in relation to technical problems, but I am in a better situation than those reported in the article, since I have full access to quality internet and a comfortable home.

5. She is afraid that the academic delay of her children, due to remote education, will make them uncomfortable at school, becoming anti-social, ashamed and sad. Her children were unable to access classes and are very late.

What is the appositive in this sentence? J.M. Barrie's book Peter Pan was made into a play and a movie.
a. Barrie's book
b. was made
c. Peter Pan
d. a movie


The appositive in the given sentence: J.M. Barrie's book Peter Pan was made into a play and a movie, is (a) J.M. Barrie's book. Appositives are noun or noun phrases which gives another name to the noun near it. They are very easy to trace. In this case, Peter Pan is a noun. It is renamed into J.M. Barrie's book. Thus, "Barrie's book" is an appositive of Peter Pan.

Additional Notes:
(b) was made: is the verb
(c) Peter Pan: is the main noun
(d) into a movie: is the prepositional phrase