What is the importance of media in a democratic coutry such as South Africa


Answer 1
Answer: Media is a form or a tool in delivering of information or data. But there are primary reasons for the use of media in some democratic countries such as South Africa.

Its primary purpose is to create a mass media system to inform and empower all the citizens of the country and most of all, to enhance democratic values. 

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When two things are correlated, it means that the two variables have a relationship in which the variables affect one another.

When we talk about positive correlations, it means that the variables vary in the same direction (it shows an upward trend when graphed). For example, increased exercise and muscle gain are positively correlated. If you INCREASE exercise, muscle gains will INCREASE.

On the other hand, increased exercise and fat gain are negatively correlated. If you INCREASE exercise, fat gain is DECREASED. Negative correlations will have a downward trend when graphed.

Hope this helps!


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A) schizophrenia

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A recession can have a negative effect on mental health. This can increase the demand for mental health specialists or psychologists.


A recession which is a contraction in the economy that can result in people losing their jobs, a high inflation and many economic problems that can affect people's financial situation which could result in mental illnesses because of things like stress, depression, anger, fear, etc. These mental problems would require that people look for help to treat them which will increase the demand for health specialists or psychologists.

negative and increase

Describe the cold war


The Cold War led was a conflict between the United States of America (USA), along with its allies, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its satellite states and allies.  The deeper issues that set the USA and the USSR at odds were that the USA was committed to capitalism and democratic institutions of government, whereas the USSR was committed to communism and imposed authoritarian government.  The Cold War was mostly a tension between these worldviews.

There were also immediate conflicts and pressure points as the Cold War began. One of those issues was that the USA had atomic weapons and the USSR did not.  (The US would not share that technology with the Soviets, who had been their ally in World War II.)  When the Soviets developed their own atomic weaponry, this led to a massive arms race between the superpowers.

During the course of the Cold War, the two superpowers never directly went to war with one another.  However, they did support a number of proxy wars where they were supporting opposing sides in other conflicts -- such as the Korean War, the Six Day War (in the Middle East), the Soviet-Afghan War, etc.

As the Cold War continued, the two superpowers (US and USSR) kept escalating their weapons capabilities and stockpiles.  It got to the point that if the two sides did plunge into war, they would face mutually assured destruction.  Eventually the US and USSR would pursue policies of detente, which included pledges to reduce their nuclear arsenals.  The arms race and solving the arms race were constant issues affecting the Cold War.

The Cold War was the war between United States and Soviet Union following the WWII. After the defeat of the axis powers and the fall of Hilter, the Soviet Union possessed the world's largest enemy. The US possessed the most powerful weapon in the atomic bomb, which had just been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to defeat Japan. Both nations had allied with one another in the war to defeat their common enemy but this was merely a front to mask the contempt both had for one another. The cold war was the term used to describe the antagonism between democratic America and communist Soviet Union (Russia). While there was never any armed notion of conflict between both nation, the cold war was the battle of ideologies and was waged in nations all over the world between proxy nation. The US goal was to spread democragy throughout the world and Soviet Union's goal was to spread communism.