Which of the following can be used to record the behavior of classes?A) Javadoc comments

B) Nouns and verbs in the problem description

C) Polymorphism

D) UML notation


Answer 1


A) Javadoc comments


It is used for documenting the java source code in HTML and java code documentation. The difference between multi-line comment and javadoc is that ,javadoc uses extra asterisk, For example-


* This is a Javadoc


It is used to record the behavior of classes.There are various tags used in this like @author,{@code},@exception and many more.

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A decryption key is a digital information used to recover the plain text from the corresponding ciphertext by decryption.

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Since each of the address occupies only 1 memory cell and the 2-D array is row-major 2-D array.So the elements will be filled row wise.First the first row will be fully filled after that second row and so on.Since we want the address of the element at third row and fourth column.

we can generalize this :

address of the element at ith row and jth column=s + ( c * ( i - 1 ) + ( j - 1 ) ).

s=Starting address.

c=Number of columns in the 2-D array.





Or you can make a matrix of six rows and eight columns and put first cell with 20.Start filling the elements row wise one by one and look what is the count of 3rd row and 4th column.

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import java.util.Arrays;

public class sort{

    public static void main(String []args){

       int[] arr = {2,6,9,1,5,3};

       int n = arr.length;


       for(int i=0;i<n;i++){






first import the library Arrays for using inbuilt functions.

create the main function and define the array with elements.

then, use the inbuilt sort function in java which sort the array in ascending order.



then, use for loop for printing the each sorting element on the screen.

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5 dequeue operations
6 enqueue operations
10 dequeue operations
8 enqueue operations
2 dequeue operations
3 enqueue operations
Last = 10





An enqueue operation is a function that adds an element(value) to a queue array. A dequeue operations removes an element from a queue array. Queue arrays follow a first-in-first-out approach, so elements that are first stored in the queue are removed/accessed first(enqueue operations add elements at the rear of the queue array).

The following operations leave 10 elements in the queue of array size 12 after its done:

10 enqueue operations= adds 10 elements

5 dequeue operations= removes 5 elements( 5 elements left in queue)

6 enqueue operations= adds 6 elements(11 elements in queue)

10 dequeue operations= removes 10 elements(1 element left in queue)

8 enqueue operations= adds 8 elements(9 elements in queue)

2 dequeue operations= removes 2 elements(7 elements left in queue)

3 enqueue operations= adds 3 elements(10 elements in queue)

Therefore there are 10 elements in the queue after enqueue and dequeue operations.

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firstly the exel program is very useful to costumer or to calculate by Microsoft. People use it to company or office. It works for make good commination

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Scroll Lock


I would answer backspace because i had some experience with that
Pause/Break   i would say