A young man sets a goal to compete in a marathon in two weeks. He started training last week by exercising three to four times a week with his friend. After each training session he writes his daily experiences to assess problems that may hinder his achievements. What aspect of his fitness program could keep him from achieving his goal?


Answer 1
Answer: The aspect of his fitness program that could keep the young man from achieving his goal would potentially be the exercise with his friend. His friend could be a hindrance to his motivation to do more or to continue. If he's so attached with exercising with his friend and his friend decides to stop, then he would probably lose motivation.
Answer 2


The marathon is set to start in two weeks and the young man starts his training from the last week exercising three to four times a week. So this requires a lot of strength and a lot of hard work. So as there is only two weeks time for him, he needs to train regularly in order to increase his stamina and strength to run and win the marathon. He should remain hydrated all the time so that his body functions properly and does not affect his health. He should work on his speed and stamina and exercise regularly to keep him fit and be able compete in the marathon.

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