Bagaimana pendapat nishimura tentang proklamasi kemerdekaan


Answer 1
Answer: Nishimura berpendapat bahwa Jepang tidak lagi bisa mengabulkan kemerdekaan Indonesia karena telah kalah oleh tentara sekutu, sehingga Jepang tidak bisa mengubah kondisi status quo tersebut. Nishimura berkata kepada Soekarno Hatta bahwa tidak ada lagi guna membicarakan kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan Jepang

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Which describes an accomplishment of the Persian empire?


The famous accomplishment of the Persian Empire during its most powerful emperor Darius is the enormous expansion of the empire and the mode of rule and the advanced bureaucracy of that time. Namely, the Darius Empire encompassed most of Western Asia, the Northern Caucasus, parts of the Balkans, most of the Black Sea, the Indus Valley, parts of North Africa, including Egypt, East Syria.

He improved the rule by introducing an official Aramaic language at the level of the government,  introduced the unitary monetary system, as well as the introduction of Satraps. The Satraps were the provincial governors elected from these areas, who best understood the habits and customs of the local population, and everything that was happening in the provinces was reported to Darius.

The Persians were known for developing an advanced system of communication that was crucial in maintaining contact between the ever-expanding borders of the Empire. The most important entity of this communication was the building of smooth, broad roads that allowed easy and swift movement of troops from one part of the empire to the other.

Further Explanation:

Over the years, the Persian emperors had built up an expansive empire, which needed to be constantly supervised and controlled. However, the pattern of roads would have to be laid out in such a manner that all-important forts, villages and market places would be connected, and these roads would often become famous routes of trade and commercial exchange. Thus, we can say that the Persians achieved a major accomplishment in envisaging the importance of roads as a part of communication that was necessary for strategically strengthening an empire.  

The Persians achieved a remarkable feat in expanding their communications and by building a complex road network that proved essential in integrating all crucial points within the kingdom. This network was called the ‘Royal Road’ as commissioned by King Darius, during the 5th century BC. He also constituted a band of royal messengers, who were known for their swift delivery of messages and important couriers throughout the empire. The efficiency of this messenger system has been recorded in history as the best mode of communication, which could not be stopped even in the wake of natural calamities or disasters. The road system also provided the Achaemenid Empire an outlet to the ancient commercial trade routes, thereby enabling King Darius to led expeditions into neighboring kingdoms and subjugating them for tribute.  

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Answer Details:

Grade: Graduation

Chapter: The Ancient Persian Empire

Subject: History


Roads, communication, a network of roads, subjugation, expansion of territory, connecting important points in the empire, tribute, commercial routes.

The problem with the results of the election of 1796 was thata. a Federalist captured the presidency.
b. a Democratic-Republican captured the vice presidency.
c. the President and Vice President were from opposing parties.
d. two presidential candidates tied for the office.

A ________ involves the news media questioning high ranking officials.
a. news release
c. news briefing
b. background interview
d. press conference


The problem with the results of the election of 1796 was that the President and the Vice President were from opposing parties. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "c".

A press conference involves the news media questioning high ranking officials. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "d".

According to Jewish tradition, the founder of Judaism, _____, made a covenant with God that promised the Hebrew people a kingdom in Canaan in exchange for obeying HimA. AbrahamB. Jesus
C. Moses
D. Joseph


Abraham is the founder of Judaism

What were the consequences of the slave trade for the americas


The long-term economic exploitation of millions of black slaves was to have a profound effect on the New World's history. Most fundamentally, it produced deep social divides between the rich white and poor black communities, the consequences of which still haunt American societies now, many years after emancipation.

Final answer:

The consequences of the slave trade in the Americas included the widespread practice of slavery, violence, and exploitation, as well as the separation of families. The Columbian Exchange also impacted the region, and Africa experienced population losses and harm to local industries due to the importation of enslaved Africans.


The consequences ofthe slave trade for the Americas were far-reaching and had a lasting impact. Slavery and forced labor became common practices in the Americas, resulting in violence, exploitation, and the separation of families and communities. The Columbian Exchange, which involved the exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas, also had significant effects on the region. Additionally, the importation of enslaved Africans by European nations led to economic growth in Europe but had devastating consequences for Africa, including population losses and harm to local industries.

Learn more about Consequences of the slave trade for the Americas here:


Explain what progress the Egyptians made in medicine


Mummification led to brilliant bandaging skills. 
Egyptians were high believers in cleanliness.
What were known as healer-priest gradually evolved into professional doctors.
Some of their prescriptions were actually really good and are still recommended nowadays for example;
bay leaves are used for stomach pains

Life for the average ancient Egyptian was carefree and easy.A.



No, life for the average ancient Egyptian man or woman was not carefree or easy. The average person was made to work long hours in grueling conditions. Only royalty and others with high jobs were to live the carefree and easy life.
No, because they were used as slaves to build pyramids and temples.