DASD stands for ____________? Direct access storage device? Direct application storage device? Diverse access storage device


Answer 1
Answer: Direct Access Storage Device
Answer 2


Direct access storage device.


DASD stands for direct access storage device.

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Which exercise can help you prevent Carpel Tunnel Syndrome?make a fist, hold, and stretch your fingers

bend slightly and stretch your right hand up

move your head back and forward slowly

blink your eyes often


Make a Fist, hold, and stretch your fingers is the correct answer
A. make a fist, hold, and stretch your fingers

C And D are rather absurd as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is 
caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist.

What is the history of telecommunication​



The history of telecommunication began with the use of smoke signals and drums in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. In the 1790s, the first fixed semaphore systems emerged in Europe. However, it was not until the 1830s that electrical telecommunication systems started to appear.



The history of telecommunication began with the use of smoke signals and drums in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.


Which of the following are key corporate assets?A) intellectual property, core competencies, and financial and human assetsB) production technologies and business processes for sales, marketing, and financeC) knowledge and the firm's tangible assets, such as goods or servicesD) time and knowledge



A) intellectual property, core competencies, and financial and human assets                                


Key corporate assets are

Intellectual property

Core competencies

Financial and human assets.

Corporate assets are referred to as individuals, properties, goods, data  company or firm repute.These assets are managed digitally. A digital firm is the one in which almost all the important business partnerships and relationships that an organization has with their employees, customers are administered, interposed and handles digitally.

Intellectual property:

It is a property that is the outcome of human creativity and intelligence. It is an intangible property such as copyrights, patents, trademarks etc. The IP strategy is basically a strategy, in accordance with the company's business objectives, to obtain IP assets and extract the most benefit from current IP assets.

Core Competencies:

Core competencies are the skills and proficiency that are essential for a company or business to attain competitive edge. They separate an organization from its competitors and create a competitive lead for a it in the marketplace. Core competency is an corporation's tactical and strategic strength. Development of core competencies of an corporation helps to sustain the competitive advantage of the corporation for a long time.

Financial and human assets.

Basically, the individuals in a corporate determine and define a corporate's success or failure. Human assets are a part of the company's intangible assets. For example human capital is an intangible asset. It can be defined as economic benefit of a worker's experience and skills. For example assets like knowledge, training, intellect, expertise, health. The abilities of employees reflects corporate's assets.

Financial assets refer to a security contract that contains a right over the real assets of a company. For example cash, stocks, bonds and bank deposits. A financial asset has a claim on the real assets or physical assets usually possessed by a company. Financial assets 'main contribution is to finance companies or money making organizations. These are provided in the market so that investors can bring their investments to use, and corporations can invest in real assets and make money.

What are the different options in a page layout feature ? Select three options



Half Center Right Left, theres four


Which statement must be included in a program in order touse a deque container?a. #include vector

b. #include

c. #include container

d. #include deque



d.#include deque


We have to include deque library in order to use a deque container and the syntax to include is #include<deque>.Deque is a double ended queue which is a sequence container and allows operations of contraction and expansion on both ends of the queue.Double ended queues are a special case of simple queue since in simple queue the insertion is from rear end and deletion is from front end but in deque insertion and deletion is possible at both ends rear and front.

Write a function namedadd_complex that adds the correspondingnumbers of its arguments (both complexstructures), then returns the result (anothercomplex structure)



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct complex{//structure of comlex number..

double real;

double img;


complex add_complex(complex n1,complex n2)//add_complex functrion to add 2 complex numbers..


   double a,b;//variables to hold the sum of real and imaginary.

   complex sum;//result sum complex number.

   a=n1.real+n2.real;//adding real parts.

   b=n1.img+n2.img;//adding imaginary parts..

   sum.real=a;//assinging values to sum.


   return sum;//returning complex number sum.


int main()


 complex c1,c2,sum;

 double a,b;

 cout<<"Enter values of c1"<<endl;




 cout<<"Enter values of c2"<<endl;





 cout<<"The sum is : "<<sum.real<<" + i"<<sum.img<<endl;

 return 0;



Enter values of c1

8.5 7.2

Enter values of c2

4.5 3.9

The sum is : 13 + i11.1


First I have created a structure for complex number.Then created a function to add two complex numbers according to the question which returns a complex number.