Write a programe to add two numbers using function with return type"void".


Answer 1



using namespace std;

//create the function which add two number

void addTwoNumber(int num_1,int num_2)


   int result = num_1 + num_2;  //adding


   cout<<"The output is:"<<result<<endl;  //display on the screen


//main function

int main(){

   //calling the function


   return 0;



First, include the library iostream for using the input/output instructions.

then, create the function which adds two numbers. Its return type is void, it means the function return nothing and the function takes two integer parameters.

then, use the addition operation '+' in the programming to add the numbers and store the result in the variable and display the result.

create the main function for testing the function.

call the function with two arguments 3 and 6.

then, the program copies the argument value into the define function parameters and then the program start executing the function.

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C, C, B, C, C, B, B or D, D, A or C, A, D


I am not taking whatever course you are taking, but I would like to know what you're taking. I have only answered the questions to the best of my abilities, so they might be wrong. Next time please award more points for a question so long.

How many times will the following loop display "Looping again!"? for(int i=0; i<=20; i++) cout << "Looping again!" << endl;



21 times


Following are the description of output:

  • As it is for loop and The loop is started from the i=0 , after that check the condition 0<=20 condition is true .The control moves to the body of loop and it print Looping again! on the console window .After that it increment the value of i=i+1 .
  • Now i=1  1<=20  condition is true .The control moves to the body of loop and it print Looping again! on the console window .After that it increment the value of i=i+1 .
  • i=2 2<=20 condition is true .The control moves to the body of loop and it print Looping again! on the console window .After that it increment the value of i=i+1 .
  • ............soon
  • This process is executed again and again but when the value i=21 the loop condition is false .The loop is terminated .
  • As the loop is starts from the i=0 and executed less then equal to 20 therefore 21 times the loop is executed .

Provide your own examples of the following using Python lists. Create your own examples. Do not copy them from another source. Nested lists The “*” operator List slices The “+=” operator A list filter A list operation that is legal but does the "wrong" thing, not what the programmer expects Provide the Python code and output for your program and all your examples.


Lists are used in Python to hold multiple values in one variable

(a) Nested list

A nested list is simply a list of list; i.e. a list that contains another list.

It is also called a 2 dimensional list.

An example is:

nested_list = [[ 1, 2, 3, 4]  , [ 5, 6, 7]]

(b) The “*” operator

The "*" operator is used to calculate the product of numerical values.

An example is:

num1 = num2 * num3

List slices

This is used to get some parts of a list; it is done using the ":" sign

Take for instance, you want to get the elements from the 3rd to the 5th index of a list

An example is:

firstList = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

secondList = firstList[2:5]

The “+=” operator

This is used to add and assign values to variables

An example is:

num1 = 5

num2 = 3

num2 += num1

A list filter

This is used to return some elements of a list based on certain condition called filter.

An example that prints the even elements of a list is:

firstList = [1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

print(list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, firstList)))

A valid but wrong list operation

The following operation is to return a single list, but instead it returns as many lists as possible

def oneList(x, myList=[]):





Read more about Python listsat:


Consider the following definition of a recursive method. public static int mystery(int[] list, int first, int last) { if (first == last) return list[first]; else return list[first] + mystery(list, first + 1, last); } Given the declaration int[] alpha = {1, 4, 5, 8, 9}; What is the output of the following statement? System.out.println(mystery(alpha, 0, 4)); a. 1 b. 18 c. 27 d. 32



c. 27


  • In recursion method, a method calls itself until a condition becomes true and returned back. In mystery(), at first time, first is 0 and last is 4. Condition is checked and 0!=4 so else part is executed in which again mystery is called with first as 1 and last 4. This will go again and again until first=4.
  • When first=4 it is also equal to last so if part is executed and alpha[4] is returned which is 9, now it comes alpha[3] +9 which is 8+9 =17 .
  • It is returning values to its previous calls that is why it will reduce to alpha[0]+alpha[1]+alpha[2]+17 which is nothing but sum of all elements of a alpha
  • Then, 1+4+5+8+9=27.

)Which of following can be thrown using the throwstatement?? Error

? Throwable

? Exception

? RuntimeException

? All of Given

? None of given



All of Given


The throw keywords can be used to throw any Throwable object. The syntax is :

throw <Throwable instance>

Note that Error and Exception are subclasses of Throwable while RuntimeException is a subclass of Exception. So the hierarchy is as follows:


-- Error

-- Exception

   -- RuntimeException

And all of these are valid throwable entities. As a result "All of Given" is the most appropriate option for this question.


The answer is B: throwable


Throwable is the super class of all exceptions

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it shows good customer service