For additional security and to optimize the performance of critical machines on your organization’s network, it is crucial to:___________.


Answer 1


Identify any program or services that you do not need.


As a network administrator, one of the preventive measures that could be adopted to complement your security system or architecture is to identify all the software applications or services that you do not need in an organization. This is because some of these programs might be a spyware, rootkit or compromised software which are used to gain unauthorized access to the network system. Also, you should identify the unused or unwanted programs or services in order to prevent redundancy and to optimize the performance of critical machines or processes in the organization's network.

Hence, for additional security and to optimize the performance of critical machines on your organization’s network, it is crucial to identify any programs or services that you don’t need.

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___ defines a series of standards for encoding audio and video in digital form for storage or transmission. Most of these standards include compression, often lossy compression.a) JPEG b) ANSI c) ISO d) MPEG





MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group.

It defines standards for audio and video compression on digital form for storage and transmission.

  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
  • ISO ( International Organization for Standardization)

are also international standards but they are not related to dogotal video compression.

On React1) Create counter and an increment button, default value of the counter would be 1, clicking on increment button adds 5 to the counter. The max value of the counter would be 20, after reaching this value , counter would not increment. Add a reset button which would set the counter value to 1.
[8:53 PM]
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3) Create a counter and a button. clicking on the button increments the counter by one. double clicking on the button resets the counter to 0


Answer:too many words ahhh


(assuming jsx)

function Buttons (props) {








var counterValue = 1;

function addup(a){

if(counterValue + a <= 20){

counterValue += a;

} else if (counterValue + a > 20){

//do nothing







function reset() {

counterValue = 1;






I'm stuck on this Java exercise problem and don't know how to organize my code with proper formatting and it's not helping that I'm pretty terrible at logic. I can't figure out how to return the number of spaces to be displayed in the main method.


In your "count spaces method" before the for loop, you want to declare an int variable (let's call it spc)

then, each time you find that charat, spc++.

also, the string must be declared in the main method, not the spaces count method.

The actual code:

public class CountSpaces{

public static void main(String[] args){

String instring = "(your quote here)";

int spaces = calculateSpaces(instring);

System.out.println("The number of spaces is " + spaces);


public static int calculateSpaces(String in){

int spc = 0;

for(int i= 0; i<in.length; i++){

if(in.charAt(i)== ' '){




return spc;



that should be it.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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c. 27


  • In recursion method, a method calls itself until a condition becomes true and returned back. In mystery(), at first time, first is 0 and last is 4. Condition is checked and 0!=4 so else part is executed in which again mystery is called with first as 1 and last 4. This will go again and again until first=4.
  • When first=4 it is also equal to last so if part is executed and alpha[4] is returned which is 9, now it comes alpha[3] +9 which is 8+9 =17 .
  • It is returning values to its previous calls that is why it will reduce to alpha[0]+alpha[1]+alpha[2]+17 which is nothing but sum of all elements of a alpha
  • Then, 1+4+5+8+9=27.

Suppose two hosts, A and B, are separated by 7,500 kilometers and are connected by a direct link of R = 10 Mbps. Suppose the propagation speed over the link is 2.5 x 10 8 meters/sec. Consider sending a large packet of 500,000 bits from Host A to Host B. How many milliseconds (ms) does it take before the receiver has received the entire 500,000-bit file?



50 ms (milliseconds) will be taken in total to take the entire file by user.


In Computer networks, propagation delay is defined as the time in which a packet is sent from sender to receiver completely. It is computed by taking the ratio of link length and propagation speed.

We know that:

BDP(in bits) = total bandwidth (in bits/sec) * trip time(in sec)

Now according to given condition we have:

Bandwidth = R = 10 Mbps = 10,000,000 bps

BDP = 500,000 bits

For finding Propagation Delay:

Propagation Delay = BDP/ R

Propagation Delay = 500,000/10,000,000 sec

Propagation Delay = 0.05 sec

Converting in milliseconds:

Propagation Delay = 50 ms

Hence. the delay would be 0.05 seconds and in milliseconds they will be equal to 50 ms

You work in an office that uses Linux and Windows servers. The network uses the IP protocol. You are sitting at a Windows workstation. An application you are using is unable to connect to a Windows server named FileSrv2. Which command can you use to determine whether your computer can still contact the server?





To check if there's still connectivity between the computer and server, I would use the ping command.

The ping command is primarily a TCP/IP command. What this command does is to troubleshoot shoot. It troubleshoots connection and reachability. This command also does the work of testing the name of the computer and also its IP address.