In which of these places might you be most likely to find a peer-to-peer network? *In a large office building
On the Internet
In a home
In a hospital


Answer 1


(b) On the Internet


Peer-to-Peer or P2P network is a networking technology that allows several network devices to share resources and exchange resources and directly communicate with each other.

In P2P network , all the computers and devices are part of the network are called as peer.

Peer-to-Peer is used to share processing power, network bandwidth or disk storage space. But most common use of peer-to-peer is sharing of files on internet.

Answer 2


in a home is the correct answer

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Explanation: Stand-alone application is the application that is found on the system of every client.In accordance with the IT section, Business intelligence can be transferred into stand-alone application .This helps in the development of the essence of the system at an independent level.

Other options are incorrect because supporting a certain factor will not make it independent, cannot act as the group of ISs technology or web system for gaining profit.Thus,the correct option is option(a).

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A T3 is an acronym for Transmission system 3 and it is also known as Digital Signal Level 3 (DS3). T3 is a point-to-point physical circuit connection which is capable of transmitting up to 44.736Mbps.

This simply means that, when using a Transmission system 3 (T3), it is very much possible or easier to transmit data such as video and audio at the rate of 44.736Mbps.

Please note, Mbps represents megabit per seconds and it is a unit for the measurement of data transmission rate. The Transmission system 3 is an internet connection that has up to 672 circuit channels having 64Kbs.

Also, worthy of note is the fact that a T3 line is made up of twenty-eight (28) Transmission system 1 lines (T1) each having a data transfer rate of 1.544Mbps.

Additionally, Transmission 3 lines are symmetrical and duplex and thus, has equal upload and download speeds. Therefore, transmissions can be done on T3 lines simultaneously without the data lines being clogged or jammed.

If you need speeds of 16 Mbps between two corporate sites in the United States, you would need a T3 leased line.

Generally, the T3 lines are mostly used for multichannel applications and uninterrupted high bandwidth consumptions such as Telemedicine, internet telephony, video conferencing, e-commerce etc.

Translate each statement into a logical expression. Then negate the expression by adding a negation operation to the beginning of the expression. Apply De Morgan's law until each negation operation applies directly to a predicate and then translate the logical expression back into English.Sample question: Some patient was given the placebo and the medication.
∃x (P(x) ∧ D(x))
Negation: ¬∃x (P(x) ∧ D(x))
Applying De Morgan's law: ∀x (¬P(x) ∨ ¬D(x))
English: Every patient was either not given the placebo or not given the medication (or both).
(a) Every patient was given the medication.
(b) Every patient was given the medication or the placebo or both.
(c) There is a patient who took the medication and had migraines.
(d) Every patient who took the placebo had migraines. (Hint: you will need to apply the conditional identity, p → q ≡ ¬p ∨ q.)



P(x): x was given the placebo

D(x): x was given the medication

M(x): x had migraines


(a) Every patient was given the medication


∀x D(x)

∀ represents for all and here it represents Every patient. D(x) represents x was given the medication.

Negation:¬∀x D(x).

This is the negation of Every patient was given the medication.

The basic formula for De- Morgan's Law in predicate logic is:



Applying De Morgan's Law:

          ∃x ¬D(x)

represents there exists some. As D(x) represents x was given the medication so negation of D(x) which is ¬D(x) shows x was not given medication. So there exists some patient who was not given the medication.

Logical expression back into English:

There was a patient who was not given the medication.

(b) Every patient was given the medication or the placebo or both.


∀x (D(x) ∨ P(x))

∀ represents for all and here it represents Every patient. D(x) represents x was given the medication. P(x) represents  x was given the placebo. V represents Or which shows that every patient was given medication or placebo or both.

Negation: ¬∀x (D(x) ∨ P(x))

This is the negation or false statement of Every patient was given the medication or the placebo or both.

Applying De Morgan's Law:

∃x (¬D(x) ∧ ¬P(x))

represents there exists some. As D(x) represents x was given the medication so negation of D(x) which is ¬D(x) shows x was not given medication. As P(x) represents x was given the placebo so negation of P(x) which is ¬P(x) shows x was not given placebo. So there exists some patient who was neither given medication nor placebo.

Logical expression back into English:

There was a patient who was neither given the medication nor the placebo.

(c) There is a patient who took the medication and had migraines.


∃x (D(x) ∧ M(x))

represents there exists some. D(x) represents x was given the medication. M(x) represents x had migraines.  represents and which means patient took medication AND had migraines. So the above logical expression means there exists a patient who took medication and had migraines..


¬∃x (D(x) ∧ M(x))

This is the negation or false part of the above logical expression: There is a patient who took the medication and had migraines.

Applying De Morgan's Laws:

∀x (¬D(x) ∨ ¬M(x))

represents for all. As D(x) represents x was given the medication so negation of D(x) which is ¬D(x) shows x was not given medication. As M(x) represents x had migraines so negation of ¬M(x) shows x did not have migraines. represents that patient was not given medication or had migraines or both.

Logical expression back into English:

Every patient was not given the medication or did not have migraines or both.

(d) Every patient who took the placebo had migraines.


∀x (P(x) → M(x))

∀ means for all. P(x) represents  x was given the placebo. M(x) represents x had migraines. So the above logical expressions represents that every patient who took the placebo had migraines.

Here we are using conditional identity which is defined as follows:

Conditional identity, p → q ≡ ¬p ∨ q.


¬∀x (P(x) → M(x))

¬∀ means not all. P(x) implies M(x). The above expression is the negation of Every patient who took the placebo had migraines. So this negation means that Not every patient who took placebo had migraines.

Applying De Morgan's Law:

∃x (P(x) ∧ ¬M(x))

represents there exists some.  P(x) represents  x was given the placebo. ¬M(x) represents x did not have migraines. So there exists a patient who was given placebo and that patient did not have migraine.

Logical expression back into English:

There is a patient who was given the placebo and did not have migraines.