In the alternation of generations life cycle fertilization requires two


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is two generations.

In the alternation of generations, there is alteration between two generations - haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte. Gametophyte produces haploid gametes which fuse to form a diploid zygote. Therefore, gametophyte reproduces with gametes. The zygote grows into diploid sporophyte which produces haploid spores. Sporophyte reproduces with spores, and new gametophyte develops. 

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The correct answer is C. Palomares

That is because that region is full of dangerous nuclear products that might bring more harm than do good.

The correct answer choice for the question that is presented above is as follows: The palomares did not allow researchers to further explore below the ocean's surface. This village is the place where a radioactive contamination accident took place.

Answer: C) Palomares

I hope this helps, Regards.

The demographic transition theory helps explaina. why people move.
c. how migration is related to pull factors.
b. how to gather the demographic statistics of a society.
d. how population change is related to the technological development of a society.


Correct answer: D). How population change is related to the technological development of a society.

The Demographic Theory was given by Warren Thompson in 1929. He observed that birth and death rate pattern over 200 years. In his observation, he found that there is a correlation between the birth and death rate and the amount of society depend on industrial technology.

The demographic transition theory predicts that the level of death and birth rate in a country is dependent on the level of their industrial development.

Final answer:

The demographic transition theory mainly describes how population change is connected to a society's technological development. It emphasizes four stages, where advancements in technology and changes in societal norms influence shifts in birth and death rates, thus impacting population growth.


The demographic transition theory primarily addresses option (d) - how population change is related to the technological development of a society. The theory outlines four stages of demographic transition. In Stage 1, both death rates and birth rates are high, with little population growth. As a society transitions into Stage 2, advancements in technology and health care practices cause a decrease in death rate, while birth rate remains high, leading to increased population growth. Stage 3 sees a gradual decrease in birth rate due to societal changes such as increased urbanization and education, thus slowing population growth. Finally, in Stage 4, both death and birth rates are low, leading to a fairly stable population size.

Learn more about Demographic Transition Theory here:


What did scientific investigations on sudbury's soil reveal


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The fungi that produce penicillin, the fungi that we use to make bread, the fungi that we use to brew alcoholic drinks, and the fungi that we eat as truffles, all belong to the group of fungi known as:___________.


(e.g fermentation is the process by which yeast converts glucose into alcohol and carbon dioxide, yeast also makes bread rise)




Yeast is an example of fungi. It is helpful in making alcohol as yeast is capable of fermenting sugar solution into alcohol this process is termed as Fermentation. It also helps to bake bread, dosas as it reproduces in flour dough and produces CO2 during respiration, it makes the dough soft and thus helps in the making of bread, idlis, etc.

Hope it helps you

A recent study has shown an increase in the number of predators in an ecosystem. Which of the following is a possible cause for the growth?a. A decrease in the population of prey it feeds on.
b. An increase in the population of prey it feeds on
c. A decrease in the biodiversity of the ecosystem
d. An increase in the number of predators that feed on it


Answer: b. An increase in the population of prey it feeds on.


A predator is a kind of organism which kills the other organisms so as to obtain them as food. The organism which is killed is called as prey. If the population of predators in an ecosystem increases the result for this increase is the increase in population of prey which the predator population can use as food to survive, reproduce and grow in number.  

Answer: b. An increase in the population of prey it feeds on.


A predator is a kind of organism which kills the other organisms so as to obtain them as food. The organism which is killed is called as prey. If the population of predators in an ecosystem increases the result for this increase is the increase in population of prey which the predator population can use as food to survive, reproduce and grow in number.