Why we need each section of prologprogram?


Answer 1


Prolog program are used in the artificial intelligence and the web development in a systematic manner process. As, it is also sometimes known as declarative language which basically consist of some facts and list. Prolog program are divided into the sections that are:

  • Domain sections
  • Clauses sections
  • Predicates sections
  • Goal sections

We need each section of the prolog program because all the sections introduced the systematic program and performed there particular functions so by using all these processing steps an efficient function are formed.

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The keyboards that include all the keys found on a typical virtual keyboard including function and navigation keys are called;


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  • The only other unit that has a keyboard that possesses the function and navigation keys are Laptops.

Read more at; https://brainly.in/question/11722276


multimedia keyboard i think


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import java.util.Scanner;

public class num9 {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("Enter year");

       int givenYear =in.nextInt();


           System.out.println("Distant Future");


       else if(givenYear>=2001){

           System.out.println("21st Century");





  • Using Java programming Language
  • Import Scanner class to receive user input of the variable givenYear
  • Use if statement to check the first condition if(givenYear>=2101)
  • Use else if statement to check the second condition if(givenYear>=2001)
  • print Distant future and 21st century respectively

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I think it is sped up by around 0.6 GHz

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Answer: The shell sort is based on insertion sort. Here the list of elements are divided into smaller sub list which are sorted based on insertion sort.

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The best case is O(n* logn).

What game is this? help mee?



