When object A collides with object B and bounces back, its final momentum is ____ its initial momentum.a. greater than
c. in the same direction as
b. less than
d. in the opposite direction of


Answer 1
Answer: When object A collides with object B and bounces back, its final momentum is in the opposite direction of its initial momentum. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the last option or option "d". This type of collision is elastic in nature as the ball bounces back and so the momentum has to be in the opposite direction of the initial momentum. 
Answer 2

Answer : (D) " in the opposite direction of "

Explanation :

It is given that when object A collides with object B and bounces back. This shows that the collision is elastic. There are two conditions for elastic collision :

(1) The momentum remains conserved

(2) Kinetic energy is conserved.

We know that momentum is defined as the product of mass and velocity. After bouncing back, the direction of velocity gets changed. So, the final momentum is in the opposite direction of its initial momentum.

So, the correct option is (D).

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Which of the following is a chemical property of a mineral?A Hardness
B Luster
C Atomic structure
D Color


Hardness, color , and luster.

But since you can pick one, I would say hardness

Final answer:

The chemical property of a mineral is its atomic structure, which influences its chemical behavior.


The correct answer is C Atomic structure. A chemical property of a mineral refers to the behavior of a mineral when it undergoes a chemical change or reaction.

Atomic structure is a chemical property because it determines the way in which the atoms of a mineral are arranged and bonded together, which influences its overall chemical behavior.

For example, the atomic structure of a mineral can determine its reactivity with acids or its ability to conduct electricity.The chemical property of a mineral could be derived from its atomic structure.

The atomic structure, which includes the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom of the element, determines the behavior of the element in a chemical reaction. Hardness, luster, and color are considered physical properties of the mineral, not chemical. Example, quartz (a common mineral) has a specific atomic structure that makes it react to acid differently than a mineral like calcite.

Learn more about chemical property here:



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Paracetamol is grouped within the 'painkillers' category. 

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Yes it is true that electrical fences displays a warning about voltage and amperage of the fence. It has to be first understood that power is directly proportional to voltage as well as current. So higher the voltage or higher the current flowing through the fenses, higher will be the power. So any person touching the fence should always be aware of the voltage and current flowing through the fence, otherwise it can be very deadly. Sometimes it can be seen that a high voltage is being passed through the fence and the current passed is comparitively low. This will not decrease the total power flowing through the fence.

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Difference: red has a higher wavelength than violet

Difference: the waves at the violet end of the spectrum are more damaging to you (e.g. Gamma rays are more harmful than radio waves).

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B. the mass of the building attracts you upward slightly

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How do stars locate in the galactic disk orbit the galactic center?

A. they do not orbit the galactic center.
B. they move in the circular orbits around the galactic center.
C. they bob up and down as they orbit the galactic center.
D. they orbit in elliptical orbits with random orientations.


Final answer:

The center of the Milky Way is in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. The stars in the galactic disk move in a rosette pattern as they orbit the galactic center, which is neither completely circular nor random elliptical orbits.


The galactic center of the Milky Way is located in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. The stars in the galactic disk orbit the galactic center much like how planets in our solar system orbit the sun. The movement of these stars is not completely circular, nor do they bob up and down or orbit randomly in elliptical paths. The actual orbit is more like a rosette pattern, not perfect circles but also not random orientations.

Learn more about Galactic center here:



Final answer:

The galactic center of the Milky Way is located in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. Stars in the galactic disk orbit the galactic center in circular orbits.


The galactic center of the Milky Way is located in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius.

Stars in the galactic disk orbit the galactic center in circular orbits.

SEO keywords: galactic center, Milky Way, constellation, Sagittarius, galactic disk, circular orbits

Learn more about Galactic Center of the Milky Way here:
