What are the purposes of a prologue in a play


Answer 1


"The Prologue" is kind of an introduction; "prologue" comes from the Greek, meaning "before the words" or "before the story", and it's basically used as an opening section at the begining of a story providing context and background information to the audience about the characters and the plot in advance, mostly in orther to create suspense, or anticipation, which keeps the audience engaged and interested in the final development of the play.


Answer 2
Answer: To let the reader be aware of what has happened previously and before the play they are reading. This is to keep the reader up-to-date on what has been happening so far in da story.
I hope I helped! =D 

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C. alliteration.
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This is an example of A. assonance.

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1. Sell tickets. 2. Rehearse. 3. Find costumes and make sure sets are complete. 4. Select show dates.


The answer to the question that is being presented above would be the first choice which is ' Find costumes and make sure sets are complete. 2. Rehearse. 3. Select show dates. 4. Sell tickets.'. It makes the most sense because you select the show dates before you can sell tickets.

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B. Southern Rising
C. Confederate Reconciliation
D. The Reconstruction

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A. tried to fire his Secretary of War in violation of the Tenure of Office Act.
B. was caught accepting bribes.
C. decided to allow all Confederate states back into the union.
D. pushed for stricter standards before allowing southem states back into the union.

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A. Poisoning of cotton plants
B. A road blockade stopping cotton caravans to Mexico
C. The production of its own cotton to put the South out of business
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5. D. The Reconstruction 

After the Civil war, many Southern states were devastated. Former members of the Confederacy were recovering from the war as the oppression of freed slaves continued through passing bills that restricted opportunities for blacks. 

6. A. tried to fire his Secretary of War in violation of the Tenure of Office Act

7. D. A large naval blockade
strategy proclaimed by former President Abraham Lincoln to cut off trading by the Confederacy. 

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