What Kingdom is algae- plantae or protista?


Answer 1
Answer: In the kingdom of protista ;-)
I hope I helped! =D
Answer 2
Answer: i thinking it is protista

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I would say D. Proteins are made from DNA, which is created from RNA.

I hope I was of assistance to you

How many chromosomes does a child inherit from his or her parents?23 from the mother and 23 from the father
46 from the mother
46 from the father
6 rom the mother and 46 from the father


Half from the mother and half from the father. So the answer is 23 from the mother and 23 from the father.

Answer: 23 from each parent

Explanation: EDGE 2020

Are stem cells differentiated cells? Explain!


Stem cells differ from other kinds of cells in the body. All stem cells—regardless of their source—have three general properties: they are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods; they are unspecialized; and they can give rise to specialized cell types.

Answer: All cells are unique and made for a particular reason. Various parts of an organism contain variety of cells. Because of this, cells are differentiated and develop their own group This allows them to do their job and to be more productive than operating alone as well. The division happens in the initial stage of a cell. Each cell undergoes modifications and develops unique properties. This process is called cell differentiation. They all work on their allocated roles after the separation. Several examples include muscle cells, fat cells, nerve cells, and so on.

What is the s phase complete


Answer: when each chromosome has been duplicated.


A scientist makes an image of all of a person's chromosomes. What technique is she using?



The correct answer is karyotype.


A karyotype is an image that helps in analysis to a person's chromosome. It is a picture of all chromosomes of an individual. Scientists take this picture or image sample of chromosomes of the individual is isolated, stained or examined under the microscope. This image helps in analysis and study of the chromosome.

Thus, the correct answer is karyotype.

She is using a karyotype

How dose natural selection produce adaptations in a species?


For natural selection to occur, several premises must be satisfied. Firstly, there must be variation in a population. If all individuals are the same, there is no variation on which selection can occur. Secondly, these traits must be heritable, meaning they are passed from parent to offspring. Natural selection cannot operate on traits that have no genetic basis. There must also be differential reproduction, which means that some individuals must reproduce more than others. When all of these factors occur, natural selection results in evolution as advantageous traits propagate throughout the population.

Natural selection is quite variable, as changes in the environment impact what traits are advantageous in a particular time and place. A good of example of this comes from Galapagos finches. These birds have varying beak sizes. Wide beaks are best for eating hard seeds, while long narrow beaks are more adept at exploiting the fleshy fruit from trees. Typically narrow beaks are more prevalent, but during drought conditions when trees cannot produce fruit, seeds become a more abundant food item. This results in those finches with wide beaks having more food available and reproducing more than those with narrow beaks. When droughts persist over many years, wide beaks replace narrow beaks as the most common, but this trend reverses when droughts end and fruits once again become available.

When there is a natural selection upon any species this means that that specific species has an adaptation / a increase in survival skills .

There a Giraffes for EXAMPLE : one group of giraffes have medium length necks and the 2nd group has longer necks , so they can reach the 85 foot tall trees.

That was an example of natural selection , i hoped that my answer helped yo out a lot , have a nice day.