If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, which of the following would happen?


Answer 1

If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, More glucose and oxygen would be produced: Photosynthesis produces glucose and oxygen as byproducts. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, more glucose and oxygen would be produced.

What is the rate of photosynthesis?

The rate of photosynthesis refers to the amount of carbon dioxide that a plant can convert into organic compounds, such as sugars and starches, per unit of time through the process of photosynthesis. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased then:

Carbon dioxide levels would decrease: Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as a reactant. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere would decrease.

Oxygen levels would increase: As mentioned earlier, photosynthesis produces oxygen as a byproduct. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, oxygen levels in the atmosphere would increase.

The plant would grow faster: Photosynthesis provides energy to the plant, which it uses to grow. If the rate of photosynthesis significantly increased, the plant would have more energy available and would be able to grow faster.

To know more about photosynthesis:



Answer 2
Answer: The total amount of oxygen in the ecosystem,light available, and sugar molecules would decrease.

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I. stronger leg muscles that allow an animal to jump away from danger. 

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Producers are the most important biotic factor in an ecosystem.
a. True
b. False



The above statement is True.


-Biotic factors are the living components of an ecosystem and are sorted into three groups: producers or autotrophs, consumers or heterotrophs, and decomposers or detritivores.

-Producers are living things within an ecosystem that make life possible for all other organisms. This is because they produce something very important. They are important parts of an ecosystem. Producers are the green plants. They make their own food. Consumers on the other hand are animals and they get their energy from the producers or from organisms that eat producers.

Final answer:

Producers, like plants and algae, are the most important biotic factors in an ecosystem. They convert sunlight into glucose through photosynthesis, forming the basis of the food chain. They are critical to survival of all other organisms, as all organisms either directly or indirectly depend on producers for energy.


The statement is True. Producers, like plants and algae, are indeed the most important biotic factors in an ecosystem. They play an essential role in every ecosystem because they convert sunlight, via photosynthesis, into glucose. This forms the basis of the food chain, as this energy is passed onto other organisms when they consume producers. Without producers, no other organisms could survive, because all organisms, either directly or indirectly, get their energy from producers. Therefore producers are the most critical part of any ecosystem.

Learn more about Producers in Ecosystem here:



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genetic variation causes antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics, in one way or another, come from bacteria and fungi themselves. These antibiotics are produced naturally by the bacteria and fungi to eliminate competition with other bacteria present. With such great discovery in this endeavor, many lives were saved. It was not long that bacteria found ways to be resistant to antibiotics. Bacteria that was found on frozen dead bodies are resistant to modern antibiotics. There are two currently known ways as to how bacteria builds resistance against antibiotics. One would be mutation. Due to continued exposed to the antibiotic, the bacteria would adapt to it and cause themselves to mutate to combat antibiotic. The second one would be the swapping of DNA or as what scientists call the horizontal gene transfer. This only applies though to some or few bacteria that already has this feature built-in to them.

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b. having an exoskeleton
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