What aspect of modern life would seem familiar to a Londoner from the Victorian age?A. the lack of loyalty to a ruling monarch
B. the ability to travel great distances in less than a day
C. the tendency of writers to poke fun at their own cultures
D. the practice of many affluent people of dressing plainly


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "C. the tendency of writers to poke fun at their own cultures." the aspect of modern life would seem familiar to a Londoner from the Victorian age is that C. the tendency of writers to poke fun at their own cultures

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Ye hearers, take it of worth, old and young,
And forsake Pride, for he deceiveth you in the end.

And save me from the fiend's boast,
That I may appear with that blessed host
That shall be saved at the day of doom.

I perceive, here in my majesty,
How that all creatures be to me unkind,
Living without dread in worldly prosperity

He that loveth riches I will strike with my dart,
His sight to blind, and from heaven to depart,
Except that Almsdeeds be his good friend,
In hell for to dwell, world without end.







1. Ye hearers, take it of worth, old and young,
And forsake Pride, for he deceiveth you in the end. - Doctor
And save me from the fiend's boast,
That I may appear with that blessed host
That shall be saved at the day of doom. - Everyman
I perceive, here in my majesty,
How that all creatures be to me unkind,
Living without dread in worldly prosperity - God
He that loveth riches I will strike with my dart,
His sight to blind, and from heaven to depart,
Except that Almsdeeds be his good friend, 
In hell for to dwell, world without end. - Death


The answer to this question is:


And save me from the fiend's boast,

That I may appear with that blessed host

That shall be saved at the day of doom.


4. He that loveth riches I will strike with my dart,

His sight to blind, and from heaven to depart,

Except that Almsdeeds be his good friend, 

In hell for to dwell, world without end.


Ye hearers, take it of worth, old and young,

And forsake Pride, for he deceiveth you in the end


I perceive, here in my majesty,

How that all creatures be to me unkind,

Living without dread in worldly prosperity

How the media coverage of political events (campaigns)


they know when an were it happening get photos videos info 

A research question is a thesis statement. True or false


True. Thesis statements are otherwise known as research questions.

What does the proofreading symbol ic mean?


I think it means incomplete? I might be wrong but that's what I would think it means.




The proofreading symbol ic means to make something lowercase.


The Internet is very slow.

in this case internet should be lowercase.

How many opponents do Odysseus and Telemachus have at home?


Odysseus and Telemachus have 108 opponents at home. (Between 100 and 150.)

The answer is 108. So choose between 100-150 as the correct answer.

Knowledge is clear, certain, and absolute, and is provided by authorities. our role is to learn and accept information from authorities, without question or criticism. anyone who disagrees with the authorities must be wrong



Knowledge is not always clear, certain, and absolute, and it is not solely provided by authorities. While authorities can provide valuable information, it is important to approach knowledge with critical thinking and skepticism. Our role as learners is to evaluate the information we receive, question it, and analyze it for its validity and reliability.

Here are a few key points to consider:

1. Knowledge is not always clear: Knowledge can be complex and multifaceted, and it may not always have a straightforward answer. It can be subject to interpretation, and different perspectives can exist on a given topic. It is important to be open to different viewpoints and consider various sources of information.

2. Knowledge is not always certain: Many fields of study, such as science, involve theories that are constantly evolving as new evidence emerges. What may be considered true today may be refined or even challenged in the future. It is essential to embrace a growth mindset and be open to updating our understanding as new information becomes available.

3. Knowledge is not always absolute: Absolute knowledge implies that there is no room for doubt or further exploration. However, knowledge should be seen as a continuous process of inquiry and discovery. It is important to engage in critical thinking and question the information we receive, even if it comes from authoritative sources.

4. Authorities are not infallible: While authorities can provide valuable insights and expertise, they are not immune to errors or biases. It is crucial to critically evaluate the credentials and reliability of the sources we rely on. This can involve cross-referencing information, seeking diverse perspectives, and considering the evidence and logic behind the claims being made.

5. Constructive skepticism is essential: It is healthy to question and critically examine information, even if it comes from authoritative sources. By doing so, we can deepen our understanding, identify potential biases or errors, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

In summary, knowledge is not always clear, certain, and absolute, and it should not be accepted without question or criticism. Our role as learners is to approach knowledge with an open mind, engage in critical thinking, and evaluate the information we receive from various sources, including authorities. By doing so, we can develop a well-rounded understanding and contribute to the growth of knowledge.


Final answer:

Knowledge is not always absolute or only provided by authorities. Critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and the ability to analyze and assess information independently are equally important. Questioning authorities does not necessarily equate to being wrong, but can instead lead to progress and refinement of knowledge.


The assertion that knowledge is absolute, provided only by authorities, and must be accepted without criticism proposes a conventional perspective towards authority in education or governance. However, this viewpoint is debatable and not universally accepted. Indeed, authorities such as teachers or government officials do have an important role in disseminating knowledge, as they often possess expertise and credible information. Nevertheless, critical thinking – the ability to question, analyze, and assess information or arguments – is equally important.

Knowledge may not always be absolute, especially in disciplines that evolve and advance over time, like science. As we acquire more information and conduct further research, previously accepted premises or theories may be disproved or refined. For instance, centuries ago, accepted knowledge asserted that Earth was flat and the Sun circled around it. Through scientific inquiry and observation, however, these concepts were revised and corrected.

Moreover, whether a statement can be deemed true or credible does not only depend on who utters it, but also on whether it can be backed up by tangible evidence and sound reasoning. This can be seen in the scientific approach, which emphasizes experimentation, observation, and verification. Therefore, questioning or disagreeing with authorities does not necessarily equate to being wrong; it can instead lead to constructive debate, progress, and innovation.

Learn more about Authority here:

