What is a constitution? A. a detailed, written plan for a state or nation’s government B. a document in which individuals swear loyalty to a particular government or nation C. a loose set of unwritten principles that guide several allied nations or cultures D. a specific accounting of a nation’s budget and expenses


Answer 1

A. a detailed written plan for a state or nation's government.

(Already took the quiz I got 100)

Answer 2
Answer: B. A Document in which Individuals Swear Loyalty To A Particular Government Or Nation

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Which best describes John C. Calhoun?A.a two-time vice president who supported slavery and states’ rights B.one of the great orators in history who ran for president four timesC.a Massachusetts senator who was antislavery but supported compromiseD.a president who declared nullification was a form of treason

Who did the spanish american war change america


The fellow above me has the Mexican War (1846) confused with the Spanish American War in 1898. After the American victories over Spain in Cuba and the Phillippine Islands the United States became an imperialist power. It left the United States with overseas territories, colonies and as the major power in the Pacifdic Ocean. 

Which job was Kangxi best known for? A) Qing emperor of China
B) Tokugawa shogun in Japan
C) Jesuit missionary in India
D) Spanish explorer of the Pacific Ocean


Kangxi was best known for Qing emperor of China

Answer: Option A


Kangxi whose original name is Xuanye. He was the Qing dynast's 4th Emperor and 2nd person to rule the China properly. He was considered to be a workaholic.

As he rise up early and sleep late, interacting with the councilors and giving them speech and reading in his normal days. He mainly spent huge money to the military campaigns. That in turn increased the corruption over the period. Later, he asked for the advice from his son to improve the economy.

He made the scholars to work on the Court and made them to assume that they are the state officials. Moreover he followed Christianity and Jesuits(society of Jesus) played a major role on the court.

Who was Pericles? A.
a Greek speaker whose fame eventually spread far and wide

the leader who developed the strategies leading to Greek naval success

the leader of Athens for whom its golden age is named

a Greek general who became the first elected president of the ten generals


The correct answer is A.) A Greek speaker whose fame eventually spread far and wide.

My reason being is because he was an influential Greek statesmen , he was very helpful with the Athens during the "Golden Age" 

I really hope that this helps you out a lot. Have a nice day.

Answer: The Correct answer is A


Read this excerpt from Frederick Douglass’s speech “The Hypocrisy of American Slavery.” Fellow citizens, pardon me, and allow me to ask, why am I called upon to speak here today? What have I or those I represent to do with your national independence? Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence, extended to us? And am I, therefore, called upon to bring our humble offering to the national altar, and to confess the benefits, and express devout gratitude for the blessings resulting from your independence to us? Would to God, both for your sakes and ours, that an affirmative answer could be truthfully returned to these questions. Then would my task be light, and my burden easy and delightful. For who is there so cold that a nation's sympathy could not warm him? Who so obdurate and dead to the claims of gratitude, that would not thankfully acknowledge such priceless benefits? Who so stolid and selfish that would not give his voice to swell the hallelujahs of a nation's jubilee, when the chains of servitude had been torn from his limbs? What effect is achieved by using a series of questions in this speech? A. It conveys a sense of wonderment about the tenets of the Declaration of Independence. B. It gets the audience to start thinking about whether the Declaration of Independence was beneficial for the slaves. C. It makes the audience begin to resent the policies and practices of the US government. D. It creates a parallel structure intended to urge the audience to protest against the Declaration of Independence.


B. It gets the audience to start thinking about whether the Declaration of Independence was beneficial for the slaves.

Do I answer the other questions?

Analyze the chart below and answer the question that follows. A 5-column table with 4 rows. Column 1 has entries Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco. Columns 2 and 3 are labeled Literacy Rate (all adults). Column 2 has entries Men, 92.4 percent, 83.4 percent, 71.4 percent, 65.7 percent. Column 3 has entries Women, 72 percent, 65.3 percent, 59.4 percent, 39.6 percent. Columns 4 and 5 are labeled Literacy Rate (15 to 24 years old). Column 4 has entries Men, 99.9 percent, 98.1 percent, 87.9 percent, 84.8 percent. Column 5 has entries 99.7 percent, 95.7 percent, 78.9 percent, 68.4 percent. Data from UNESCO, 2011 Carefully study the chart above. If the trends seen on this chart continue, future literacy rates would___________? A. Literacy rates would stay about the same. B. Literacy rates would continue to increase, and the gap between men and women would continue to decrease. C. Literacy rates would continue to increase, and the gap between men and women would stay the same. D. Literacy rates would continue to decrease



b . is right


Nicolaus Copernicus, painting by Arthur Szyk, shown as an astronomer, holding a device illustrating one of his astronomical principles of planetary motions Portrait of Rene Descartes sitting at table Portrait of a person whose laws of motion still forms the basis for the study of motion today Item 12 Which Elizabethan mariner sailed around the world and helped defeat the Spanish Armada?1. Henry Hudson
2.Walter Raleigh
3, Francis Drake
4. Edmund Spenser


Francis Drake, Elizabethan mariner sailed around the world and helped defeat the Spanish Armada.

Answer: Option 3


Sir Francis Drake is not only known for leading the British navy for defeating the Spanish Armada, but also for being the first person to travel around the world in ship till 1580 from 1577, which was a single expedition.

The failure of the Spanish Armada made the British aware of their naval power, eventually leading to maritime exploration which eventually lead to the formation of colonies around the world. His expedition lead to people discovering more unexplored places in shipping.