How could a person buy items with cash if she or he went to another country


Answer 1
Answer: You can exchange cash at most airports or you could use a credit card or cash card.
Answer 2
Answer: you can exchange money at an airport when you arrive.

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d. the president has power to block actions of the legislature.


The correct answer for this question is this one:

A newspaper headline that reads" president rejects Tax Increase Bill' is an example of which of the following? 

c. the legislature can act on its own and can never be blocked by the president. 

Hope this helps answer your question and have a nice day ahead.

In Florida, more than __________ crashes are alcohol related.A. 5,000
B. 10,000
C. 20,000


The correct answer is C. 20,000

Some times it surpasses this number much with many intoxicated people being involved, not only drivers, but pedestrians too.

What strategies did Clinton use to improve the economy?


one of his strategies was making the U.S. government to be perceived to be more enterprise-friendly, but at the same time smaller and more efficient.
Additionally, he  fostered small interests rates to encourage investment .

tax increases and spending cuts

Interpret this text:Saint Paul wrote to the early Christians,

"You are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by all, shown to be a

letter of Christ... written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God."

(2 Corinthians 3:2-3)

What do YOU think this text means?


This text from Saint Paul's letter to the early Christians in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3 conveys several important messages:

1. **Christian Living as a Testament**: Saint Paul is addressing the early Christians, telling them that they are a living testament to the teachings and values of Christ. In other words, the way they conduct themselves in their lives reflects the message of Christ to the world.

2. **"Written on Our Hearts"**: This phrase suggests that the Christian faith is deeply ingrained within the believers. It's not just something external but something that has become a part of their very being. Their actions and character should naturally express their faith.

3. **"Known and Read by All"**: Saint Paul emphasizes that the lives of these early Christians are observable by everyone. Others can see their faith and conduct, and this serves as a form of witnessing to Christ's teachings.

4. **"Letter of Christ"**: This implies that the lives of these Christians are like a letter authored by Christ Himself. Their actions and behaviors are a reflection of His teachings and values.

5. **"Written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God"**: Saint Paul suggests that this letter, which is the Christian way of life, is not something external or superficial but is spiritually inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit. It's a testament to the transformative power of faith.

Overall, this text encourages early Christians (and Christians today) to live their lives in a way that reflects the teachings and values of Christ. Their actions and character should serve as a testament to their faith, and this testimony is not something written on paper but is deeply spiritual and guided by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

How bullies deal with interpersonal conflict


Bullying refers to a repeated and systematic mistreatment of others - so a bully would deal with a conflict in a way that is harmful to others. A bully would then go beyond trying to win a conflict, but would also for example verbally (or even physically) abuse the bullied person, or engage in harmful practices such as gossiping, work sabotage and humiliation.

Bullies would use harmful and violating methods to deal with interpersonal conflicts. He might turn to use violence to prove or establish a personal agenda. This is due to the fact that has been conditioned to respond in an aggressive manner during the conflict.

Further Explanation:

Bullying is unwanted and aggressive behavior among children in school that involves a perceived power imbalance. This behavior among children is repeated, or it has the potential to be ‘repeated’ over time. It has serious and lasting impacts or problems on both, the one who is bullied or one who bully others.

In order to consider bullying, an individual’s behavior must be aggressive that includes:

  1. IMBALANCE OF POWER:An individual who bully use power such as harm or control others, physical strength, or access to ‘embarrassing’ information. It changes and varies in different situations with time.
  2. REPETITION: This type of behavior happens more than once and has the potential to happen again.

Learn More:

1. As the result of a conflict between British troops and a colonial militia in Massachusetts,

2. Though the outcomes of the Schenck and New York Times differed, what did these decisions have in common? The government has a heavy burden to prove harm. The government can limit speech that causes harm. The government has unlimited power to limit speech. The government must follow the first amendment.

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Bullying

Subject: Social Studies


bullies, interpersonal conflicts, imbalance of power, behavior, bullying, physical strength, information

The British conquered the French fort of (blank) on June 25, 1759, with the help of their new allies the Iroquois Confederacy. In return, the Iroquois Confederacy was promised the land west of the (blank).



see pic




1- Fort Carillon, which was renamed Fort Ticonderoga

I don't know the second one sorry :(
