Why are cane toads in Australia considered an invasive species rather than simply nonnative?


Answer 1
Answer: Even though both nonnative soecies and invasive species were introduced to an ecosystem rather than being there naturally, invasive species cause harm to the ecosystem because they do not have natural predators and therefore overpopulate and use up more resources, which harms other species.
Answer 2


The answer is A "They are destructive to native species and have no natural predators."


I just took the test and this was correct :)

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How do cells get rid of the largest waste materials?A. by diffusion
B. by transport proteins
C. by osmosis
D. by exocytosis



Cells use both diffusion and osmosis to get rid of their wastes. Cells can bias the movement of waste molecules out of and away from themselves. One way is to temporarily convert the waste product into a different molecule that will not diffuse backwards.



A. By diffusion


Cells use both diffusion and osmosis to get rid of their wastes. Cells can bias the movement of waste molecules out of and away from themselves. One way is to temporarily convert the waste product into a different molecule that will not diffuse backwards.

Hope it helps!!

A(n) __________ is created when sperm meets egg and contains all DNA necessary to create a person.a. zygote
b. blastocyst
c. embryo
d. fetus


Answer : The correct answer for the blank is -

a. zygote.

A zygote can be described as a diploid cell that is produced by the fusion of gametes (from each parent such as egg and sperm). The process of fusion is called fertilization and zygote is also called fertilized ovum/egg.

Zygote undergoes multiple rounds of proliferation (cell division through mitosis) and ultimately differentiates to produce the highly advanced stage, fetus (which is fully developed baby).

Thus, a zygote is formed when sperm meets egg and contains all DNA necessary to create a person.

Hello there,

The answer to your question is:


Hope this helps.

Favorable changes in species get passed down through the generations because of



Natural selection


Natural selection favors the individuals carrying the adaptive variations and allows them to reproduce more as their beneficial variations impart them the survival advantage. These individuals with beneficial adaptive traits reproduce more and produce a large number of progeny, all carrying the useful adaptive features of the parents.  

Hence, natural selection favors individuals with beneficial variations. The differential rate of reproduction of the favored individuals allows inheritance of favored variations to the future generations.  

That process is called natural selection

Which is most likely the result of genetic engineering? an orange that has a prolonged shelf life
a daffodil that attracts insects for pollination
a butter squash that has high nutritional value
a rose that produces a delicious aroma



an orange that has a prolonged shelf life


-Genetic engineering is the process of manually adding new DNA to an organism. The goal is to add one or more new traits that are not already found in that organism.

-Examples of genetically engineered (transgenic) organisms currently on the market include plants with resistance to some insects, plants that can tolerate herbicides, and crops with modified oil content.

-Genetic engineering works by physically removing a gene from one organism and inserting it into another, giving it the ability to express the trait encoded by that gene. It is like taking a single recipe out of a cookbook and placing it into another cookbook.

Final answer:

Genetic engineering is likely responsible for an orange that has a prolonged shelf life. This technology can be used to alter the DNA of an organism to give it new traits, such as slowing the ripening process in fruits.


The result most likely achieved through genetic engineering is an orange that has a prolonged shelf life. Genetic engineering is the process of manually adding new DNA to an organism to give it new traits. In the context of fruits and vegetables, this technology is often applied to develop species with desired characteristics. For example, a fruit like an orange could potentially be genetically engineered to slow down its ripening process, thus giving it a prolonged shelf life. This manipulation could help reduce waste and increase economic efficiency.

Learn more about Genetic Engineering here:



20. Lines on a map that run parallel to the equator are known as A. lines of longitude.
B. the prime meridian.
C. lines of latitude.
D. cartography

18. The two subspecialties of astronomy are
A. paleontology and geochemistry.
B. astrophysics and planetary science.
C. climatology and atmospheric chemistry.
D. environmental earth science and environmental chemistry

13. Weight is best described as
A. the interval between two events.
B. the amount of surface included within a set of boundaries.
C. the amount of matter in an object.
D. a measure of gravitational force on an object.

12. What statement best describes an independent variable?
A. The factor that's changed by the experimenter and impacts the constant in an experiment
B. The factor that isn't changed by the experimenter and is impacted by the dependent variable
C. The factor that doesn't change, but impacts the constant in an experiment
D. The factor that's changed by the experimenter and impacts the dependent variable

11. Magma is classified as basaltic, andesitic, or rhyolitic based on what factor?
A. Temperature of the magma
B. Amount of silica it contains
C. Amount of pressure placed on it during formation
D. Region of the Earth in which it formed

10. A/an _______ bond allows metals to conduct electricity.
A. covalent
B. metallic
C. ionic
D. atomic

3. There are _______ GPS satellites orbiting the Earth.
A. 10
B. 28
C. 42
D. 24

2. The _______ is a factor that's affected by changes in the independent variable.
A. hypothesis
B. dependent variable
C. control
D. experiment


The answer to question 20 is C. Lines of latitude run parallel to the equator, appearing horizontal on a globe. The answer to question 18 is B - astronomy is a science that studies celestial bodies, and applies work from astrophysics and planetary science. Question 13's answer is D. Weight is the measure of gravitational force on an object and is measured in Newtons. The answer to question 12 is D. The independent variable is the variable the investigator changes to ascertain how this impacts on the dependant variable. The answer to question 11 is B. The classification of magma as basaltic, andesitic or rhyolitic depends on the percentage of silica it contains. The answer to question 10 is B. The particles in metal are held together by metallic bonds which involve closely packed ions and electrons that are free to move about and conduct electricity. The answer to question 3 is D. There are currently more than 24 GPS satellites in orbit, but this is the number that are operational most of the time. The answer to question 2 is B. The dependent variable is affected by the independent variable - it depends on the independent variable.

1. Answer;

Lines of latitudes  

Lines on a map that run parallel to the equator are known as lines of latitude.


  • Lines of latitudes are imaginary lines that run from east to west and measure north-south position between the poles.  
  • Lines of latitudes are parallel to each other. The equator is zero degrees, while the North Pole is 90 degrees north and the South Pole is 90 degrees south.  
  • Lines of longitudes or meridians on the other hand are imaginary lines that run between the North and South poles. They measure east-west position.

2. Answer;

B. astrophysics and planetary science

The two sub-specialties of astronomy are astrophysics and planetary science.


  • Astronomy is a science that studies objects beyond the earth's atmosphere, such as planets, stars, asteroids, galaxies; and the properties and relationships of those celestial bodies.  
  • Astrophysics involves the application of physics to understand astronomy. It involves the study of actual physical processes taking place in the universe, such as how they operate, etc
  • Planetary science is the scientific study of planets, such as the earth and other planets in our solar system, moons, and planetary systems and the processes that form from them.

3. Answer;

D. a measure of gravitational force on an object.


  • The weight of an object refers to the measure of the force exerted by gravity on the object. Weight will therefore depend on the gravitational force on a surface, and will vary from one place to another, such that the weight of an object on earth surface will be different on the moon’s surface.
  • Weight is measured using a spring balance and is measured in Newton (N).

4. Answer;

D. The factor that's changed by the experimenter and impacts the dependent variable


  • An independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled by the experimenter in a scientific experiment to test the effects on the dependent variable.
  • A dependent variable on the other hand is the variable being tested and measured in a scientific experiment. Dependent variable in an experiment changes from the manipulation of the independent variable.
  • As the experimenter manipulates or varies the independent variable, the effect seen on the dependent variable is observed and recorded.

5. Answer;

B. Amount of silica it contains

Magma is classified as basaltic, andesitic, or rhyolitic based on the amount of silica it contains.


  • Magma is defined as a molten and semi-molten mixture that is found under the surface of the Earth. Intrusive igneous rocks are formed from the magma that cools and solidifies within the earth’s crust, surrounded by an already existing rock.  
  • Silica (SiO2) is the primary oxide present in magmatic rocks and serves as the basis of classifying magmatic rocks broadly.  

6. Answer;

Metallic bond

A metallic bond allows metals to conduct electricity.


  • Metallic bonds are types of bonds or forces of attraction that occurs between the positive ions of metal and valence electrons known as sea of electrons that are constantly in motion around the positive ions.  
  • The metal positive ions forms a lattice like-metallic structure that is held together by metallic bond. Metals conducts electricity as a result of mobile electrons which are free to move towards any direction.

7. Answer;


There are 24 GPS satellites orbiting the Earth.


  • The baseline satellite constellation contains 24 satellites which are positioned in six earth-centered orbital planes with four operation satellites and a spare satellite slot in each orbital plane.
  • The 24 main GPS satellites orbit Earth every 12 hours, sending a synchronized signal from each individual satellite. A User will receive signals at slightly different times since the satellites are moving in different directions.

8. Answer;

B. dependent variable


  • A dependent variable is the variable or a factor that is being tested and measured in a scientific experiment. An independent variable on the other hand is the variable or a factor that is changed or controlled by the experimenter in a scientific experiment to test the effects on the dependent variable.
  • Dependent variable in an experiment changes from the manipulation of the independent variable.
  • As the experimenter manipulates or varies the independent variable, the effect seen on the dependent variable is observed and recorded.

What is the meaning of virus?


It is basically a cell that multiply only with another one of itself. 


A virus is something that can be spread. It tricks your immune system into thinking its a cell, then it goes into a cell to replicate itself and attack your immune system. This is the way you get sick from a virus.