Convert 1.835 × 10 4 to standard notation.


Answer 1
Answer: To convert 1.835 × 10 4, we will simply multiply the first term (1.835) to the second term  (104) . When multiplied, it is equals to 190.84.
The product 190.84  is the standard notation.

Standard notation is just the number as we normally write it.

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Final answer:

The poets who explored the nature of existence using unusual similes and metaphors are known as the metaphysical poets, including notable figures such as John Donne.


The highly intellectual poets who explored the nature of existence using unusual similes and metaphors are known as the metaphysical poets. They were a group of 17th-century English poets who focused on complex and philosophical themes in their poetry. These poets were known for their complex and imaginative use of metaphors, referred to as conceits, to delve into topics such as love, religion, and mortality. Some notable metaphysical poets include John Donne and Andrew Marvell.

Learn more about Metaphysical Poets here:


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Early in the play, Rev. Parris is greatly concerned with his "enemies," whom he fears will use Betty’s mysterious illness against him. What does this show us about Parris? Would you say he’s a good father? Give evidence to support your answer.



It shows that Parris is only concerned about his ministry and though he cares for his daughter, his reputation is more important to him.

He is not a good father for he gives more importance to his image than his daughter, when he said to Abigail in Act 1, that his "ministry's at stake", and that his "enemies will ruin (him) with it".


In Act 1 of "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller, we see the character of Parris, the Reverend of the church in Salem, Massachusetts kneeling in front of his daughter's bed. His daughter Betty had been accused of being under the spell of witchcraft. She and some girls had been found dancing at night in the woods, accused of indulging and practicing witchcraft. Reverend Samuel Parris is worried that this accusation will ruin his family and also since Betty is still unconscious with the doctors unsure of what is wrong with her.

The actions of Rev. Parris in asking Abigail about the occurrence and trying to settle the issue shows that he is more concerned about how the people of the town will think of him. Though he may be the respected reverend in the church, this witchcraft accusation may have a negative impact on his image and may even ruin his ministry. Instead of focusing on the welfare of his daughter, who by the way is still unconscious, he kept telling Abigail how this whole issue will be the ruin of him. He implores her to tell her everything, for he fears that "my enemies will, and they‘ll ruin me with it…", adding "my ministry‘s at stake". This only indicates his poor parenting skills, instead thinking of saving his own skin even when his daughter is sick.

Write a email to the editor of a newspaper criticising the menace of drug abuse



Subject: Urgent Concern: Addressing the Menace of Drug Abuse

Dear [Editor's Name],

I hope this email finds you in good health. I am writing to you as a concerned citizen who is deeply troubled by the growing menace of drug abuse in our society. The devastating impact of this issue on individuals, families, and communities cannot be ignored any longer. I believe our newspaper should take a stand and raise awareness about this pressing concern.

The rampant rise in drug abuse is not just a statistic, but a grave challenge that is corroding the very fabric of our society. Families are being torn apart, promising futures are being shattered, and the well-being of our youth is under constant threat. It is high time that we recognize drug abuse for the public health crisis it truly is.

Law enforcement and government initiatives play a role, but media outlets must shed illuminate the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to this issue. They can help educate the public about the dangers of drug abuse and the resources available for prevention and rehabilitation by publishing comprehensive articles, investigative reports, and personal narratives.

Moreover, media should focus on the negative aspects and highlight stories of recovery and resilience. This ways, we can inspire hope and show that a way out is possible.

I urge our newspaper to allocate dedicated space to discussions on drug abuse prevention, treatment, and policy reform. This could include interviews with experts in the field, stories of those affected by addiction, and opinion pieces that address the larger societal issues contributing to this problem.

As a trusted source of information, our newspaper can shape public opinion and influence policy decisions. It can contribute to a more informed, compassionate, and effective response to the menace of drug abuse.

I sincerely hope that you will consider my request and prioritize this critical matter in our editorial agenda. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of countless individuals and work towards a safer and healthier society.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Do you need help with your homework?


Final answer:

Drug abuse is a pressing issue that affects individuals, families, and communities. It refers to the misuse or excessive use of drugs, both legal and illegal, which can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. In an email to the editor, you can express your concern about the growing menace of drug abuse, discuss its consequences, emphasize the need for education and prevention programs, and highlight the importance of community support in tackling this problem.


Subject: Criticising the Menace of Drug Abuse

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the growing menace of drug abuse in our society. Drug abuse has become a pressing issue that not only affects individuals but also has a significant impact on families and communities.

Drug abuse refers to the misuse or excessive use of drugs, both legal and illegal, which can have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. It is alarming to see the number of young people falling prey to this destructive habit.

The consequences of drug abuse are far-reaching. It not only leads to addiction but also impairs judgment and decision-making abilities. This can result in accidents, risky behavior, and even criminal activities. Moreover, drug abuse has a negative impact on mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders.

In order to address this issue effectively, it is crucial to focus on education and prevention programs. By raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and providing information about healthy alternatives, we can empower individuals to make informed choices and resist peer pressure.

Additionally, community support plays a vital role in tackling drug abuse. By fostering a supportive environment and providing resources for rehabilitation and recovery, we can help individuals break free from the cycle of addiction.

I urge the newspaper to take a proactive stance in highlighting the issue of drug abuse and its consequences. By publishing articles, interviews, and success stories of individuals who have overcome addiction, we can inspire others to seek help and make positive changes in their lives.

Together, we can work towards creating a society that is free from the menace of drug abuse.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


[Your Name]

Learn more about criticising the menace of drug abuse in an email to the editor here:


When might a dissenter show resilience


Dissenters of all kinds have often shown resilience throughout history, mainly when the government they are dissenting against tries to silence them. They can be resilient by refusing to "back down". 

In "Wave" Dale Wisely characterizes water as an element that


In "Wave" Dale Wisely characterizes water as an element that give life
Hope I helped:P 

Final answer:

In 'Wave' by Dale Wisely, water is characterized as a powerful and unpredictable force that represents the volatility and unpredictability of life.


In Dale Wisely's "Wave," water is characterized as a powerful and dynamic element. Through Wisely's descriptive prose, water is shown to represent both strength and unpredictability. It is personified in places, flowing 'like a creature on the run' and behaves in ways that are 'unceasing and uncontrolled.'

For instance, in the story, the wave symbolizes change and uncertainty. It is a force outside of man’s control that can both give and take away. Wisely portrays the wave as a symbol of instability and constant change.

Essentially, water in 'Wave' is characterized to represent the unpredictable nature of life and the power that natural elements can hold over human beings. The Dale Wisely characterization of water in this story is indeed a reflection of the broader human experience.

Learn more about Characterization of water here:
