1. High triglycerides increase the risk for which one of the following conditions?A. Type II diabetes
B. Osteoporosis
C. Heart disease
D. Thyroid disease

2. Which one of the following choices is the best option for a vegan snack?
A. Vanilla soymilk, peanut butter, and pretzels
B. Tomato juice and macaroni and cheese
C. Chocolate soymilk with angel food cake
D. Almond milk with butter cookies

3. Saturated fats found in animal products, such as bacon and cheese, are also called
A. cholesterol.
B. amino acids.
C. triglycerides.
D. lipids.

4. Which one of the following choices is the most nutrient-dense snack?
A. Baked potato chips and sparkling water
B. Green salad with ranch dressing
C. Sliced bananas, walnuts, and orange sections
D. Unsalted pretzels and cheddar cheese

5. Which one of the following choices is a simple sugar?
A. Lactase
B. Glucose
C. Chocolate
D. Orange juice

6. Which one of the following snack combinations will best satisfy a person's daily fluid requirements?
A. Ice cream, sherbet, and fruit
B. Fresh fruit, green salad, water
C. Bananas, whole-wheat bread, and water
D. Fruit juice, energy bars, cold cereal
7. How should daily calorie intake be divided for an adult in good health?
A. 60 percent carbohydrates, 40 percent proteins
B. 80 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent proteins
C. 80 percent proteins, 10 percent carbohydrates, 10 percent fats
D. 60 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fats, 10 percent proteins

8. One positive attribute of dietary fat is that it's a good source of
A. vitamin C.
B. water.
C. boron.
D. energy.

9. The glycemic index predicts the way certain foods affect
A. blood pressure.
B. exercise performance.
C. weight loss.
D. blood sugar levels.

10. A person who is lactose intolerant would have difficulty digesting which one of the following foods?
A. Turkey hot dog with mustard
B. Three-bean salad
C. Low-fat cheesecake with raspberries
D. Grilled veggie burger on a sesame bun

11. To derive energy from food, you must eat foods that contain
A. fiber.
B. carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
C. vitamins and minerals.
D. water.

12. Which one of the following snacks provides all of the essential amino acids?
A. Pasta salad with vinaigrette dressing
B. Small bowl of chili beans and rice
C. Corn on the cob
D. Apple wedges and carrot sticks

13. Which one of the following choices is the best way to control Type II diabetes?
A. Injecting insulin
B. Avoiding all simple sugars
C. Adopting a healthy diet and exercising
D. Avoiding salt

14. How can a person with lactose intolerance obtain dietary calcium?
A. Eat green leafy vegetables, nuts, and enriched soy products.
B. Eat lots of whole grains.
C. Eat lots of fresh shellfish.
D. Take a pill that helps to digest lactose.

15. What are the health benefits of zinc?
A. Control of blood pressure
B. Proper wound healing
C. Lung efficiency
D. Reduced muscle fatigue

16. Which one of the following choices would be an acceptable small meal for a person who is gluten intolerant?
A. Microwave popcorn and carrot sticks
B. Orange juice and graham crackers
C. Peanut butter on whole-wheat toast
D. Bread sticks with low-fat dressing

17. Which one of the following choices is most accurate about fat-soluble vitamins?
A. They help build collagen and aid in healing.
B. They can cause gastric upset, diarrhea, and kidney stones.
C. They provide no risk of vitamin toxicity.
D. They can be stored in the body.

18. An elevated HDL is considered a
A. risk factor for arthritis.
B. more harmful form of cholesterol found in the body.
C. risk factor for osteoporosis.
D. less harmful form of cholesterol found in the body.

19. Which one of the following choices is the best way to build muscle bulk?
A. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and follow a regular fitness program.
B. Use amino acid powders from a health food store.
C. Avoid vegetarian diets.
D. Eat more high-protein foods.

20. Which one of the following factors contributes to hypertension?
A. A high-fat diet
B. A vigorous exercise regimen
C. A lack of sleep
D. A diet that lacks protein


Answer 1
Answer: Answer 1- C. High triglycerides can lead to heart disease because they are a type of fat found In the blood. Answer 2- A, the other snack options contain milk or other animal products which vegans do not eat. Answer 3- D. Lipids are oils and fats from animal sources. Answer 4-C natural and unprocessed snacks are the most nutrient dense option. Answer 5- B Glucose is a naturally occurring simple sugar. Answer 6- B. Fresh fruit, green salad and water are the least processed and most hydrating choice. Answer 7 – D. Adults in good health should split their calories with the majority of them being from carbohydrates. Answer 8 –D dietary fiber is a good source of energy because it regulates the blood sugar from spiking and falling. Answer 9 – D. The glycemic index measures your bodies insulin reaction to specific foods. Answer 10 – C, lactose is a naturally occurring sugar found in dairy products that people have problems digesting. Answer 11- B Foods need to be balanced in order for our bodies to properly make energy. Answer 12 – B Chili beans and rice offer complete amino acids when eaten together. Answer 13- C. The best way to avoid and manage diabetes is with a health lifestyle that includes good nutrition and exercise. Answer 14- A, leafy greens nuts and seeds all contain high levels of calcium. Answer 15- B. The body uses zinc to promote proper wound healing. Answer 16- A popcorn is naturally gluten free. Answer 17 – D, fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body. Answer 18 – D. HDL is considered the “good” cholesterol . Answer 19 – A, exercise and good nutrition are the best ways to add muscle mass to your body. Answer 20- C, lack of sleep increases stress and the risk of developing hypertension.
Answer 2


mabye next time you should just post 1 question at a time

but i have the answer to 3: amino acids


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True im assuming because your eyes take in an upside down image and then flips it so you see it right side up

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