Which sentence contains a punctuation error? A.
We used one-half cup of chopped onions in the recipe.

It will be chilly later, so bring your blue-green sweater.

It is a well known fact that the earth revolves around the sun.

About one third of my friends have pet dogs.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is A.
Answer 2


The answer is D


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Which sentence should be omitted from the following conclusion?(1) As this essay shows, teens can work at many different types of jobs. (2) Some of the these jobs are more popular with teens than others. (3) However, teens can do quality work in many different areas, such as office work and landscaping. (4) Did you know that some teens even work for politicians? (5) Whatever the job, employment for teenagers helps to provide for their financial needs and wants.sentence 1sentence 3sentence 4sentence 5
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Select the correct pronoun to complete this sentence. The coach put the team through ____ paces. its their
Grange evolve the ____________. A. Democratic Party B. Greenback Party C. Republican Party D. Populist Party E. Federalist Party

Why are Shakespeare's plays considered difficult for modern students to understand?a. The plays were translated from another language and sometimes don't make sense.
b. Shakespeare left out, rearranged, or altered words so that they fit the structure of his verse.
c. The plays were written hundreds of years ago, and none of the themes apply to modern life.
d. Only royalty or people in the noble classes used the elevated language in Shakespeare's plays.


Answer is B. While the language he used was still considered modern English, he invented his own words which makes it confusing to understand for modern students.

What word is always capitalized in English? Saint , I, Mom, Weekday.


The word that is always capitalized in English is I.
I As It Is Very Popular As You Can See

I Hope It Helps xx

Mr. Tate tells Atticus he took a switchblade off of “a drunk man.” To whom does he refer?Bob Ewell
Boo Radley
Tom Robinson
an inmate downtown


The answer is: Bob Ewell

In Harper lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," after Scout and Jem are attacked by Bob Ewell, the sheriff Mr. Tate decides to protect Boo's seclusion and claims Ewell fell on his own knife and died. In that matter, the switchblade is the same that Ewell used to physically assault Scout and Jem, suceeding his destroyed credibility at the trail and constant threats to Atticus' family.

The blade was taken off of Bob Ewell.

What pronoun best completes this sentence?

Melissa decided not to sell _____ sofa.


Melissa decided not to sell __her___ sofa
Since Melissa is one person, and we're assuming she's a girl you want to use "her."  Melissa decided not to sell her sofa.

Unless the sofa belongs to someone else, then we'd use something different.
If the sofa belongs to one man = his
If the sofa belongs to a group = their

PLEASE HELP, IF ANYONE HAS DONE AN ESSAY OR HAS ANYTHING HELPFUL (like quotes, evidence, paragraphs of information etc.) . I HAVE AN ESSAY COMING UP AND THE TOPIC IS... 'who's to blame for the tragedy in Macbeth? The witches, Lady Macbeth or Macbeth?' THANK YOU!



I am an animal, and I know it. I have killed 4 innocent people. People with families, wives, children. I have sinned more times than the hand can count. I am writing this entry in order to capture the last glimmer of my sanity, which now lingers so deep in my mind that no hand nor eye could find it.

The souls of those who I have slaughtered haunt me every night. They murder my sleep the way i murdered them. My insanity suffocates me. Sleepless nights fuelled with vaulting ambition and suspicion to be the successor of all has killed the innocent flower inside of me. Now all I am is a serpent. A bloodthirsty snake. Good

As each day flew by after killing Duncan, my mind and thoughts became so evil and vile not even Satan himself would dare look upon me. I realised for the first time after the banquet how far from saving my sanity  was. I was so deep in the blood of my friends, successors and comrades that it this blood lust and thirst for power had become so entrenched in had gotten into my my brain there was no room for rational thought, blurring every good moral I thought I prided myself on. It was a frightening sight for all. My insanity had finally revealed itself as my borrowed robes slipped from my shoulders to show the true beast underneath. Even my beloved wife was shocked. It was a frightening time in mine and her life.

In this fleeting moment of clarity I see how I was hurting those around me who I, at one point in my life, had honestly loved and respected. Clearly, I am not well. A well man doesn’t kill his best friend. I am sick at heart and I know it, yet I still manage to justify my unspeakable actions to gain a fruitless crown, whose fruits are poisoned.

Who was I to think I could live up to king duncan, a man who’s morals and decisions were always in the best interest of Scotland, not in the interest of materialistic rewards. I am a selfish, selfish man. Not only did I endanger myself and my wife, but I endangered the whole of Scotland. I did all of this for a title that means nothing, for a title that could be stripped away as briefly as a candle is blown out.


this is my essay from the perception of macbeth, he blames himself

Which words in the sentence make up the appositive phrase? Which words does it rename? Laura, Lisa, and Lynn, triplet sisters, were all chosen as camp counselors. A. were all; renames triplet sisters B. triplet sisters; renames Laura, Lisa, and Lynn C. camp counselors; renames Laura, Lisa, and Lynn D. Laura, Lisa, and Lynn; renames triplet sisters


The correct option is B.

A characteristic of an appositive phrase is parentheses enclosement.

Hi, your answer is, B. Triplet sisters; renames Laura, Lisa, and Lynn

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