An escalator with 35° incline is designed to have two passengers per step. Find number of persons moved per hour for the design if velocity is 50cm/mins and the step tread is 600mm.


Answer 1


The escalator disposes 58 passengers each hour.


The velocity diagram of the escalator is shown in the attached figure

We can obtain the vertical distance that the escalator moves in 1 hour as

D_(v)=vsin(\theta )* 1hr\n\nD_(v)=50cm/min* sin(35^(o))* 60mins\n\n\therefore D_(v)=1720.73cm

Thus in 1 hour the last thread moves 1720.73 cm

Now it is given that 1 thread = 600 mm =60 cm

Thus the number of times the last thread moves equals


Since each time last thread moves it disposes 2 passengers thus the number of passengers disposed when the thread moves 28.68 times equals

N=28.68* 2=57.36

Thus the escalator disposes 58 passengers each hour.

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Isothermal process also means adiabatic internal reversible process. a)-True b)-False



(b) False


Isothermal process is a process in which temperature is constant ,heat can be transferred but temperature is constant and as the temperature is constant so internal energy is also constant

In other hand in adiabatic process there no transfer of heat and internal energy also changes

So the given statement is false statement  

write an interface downloadable that has a method "geturl" that returns the url of a downloadable object



I want to believe the program is to be written in java and i hope your question is complete. The code is in the explanation section below


import java.util.Date;

public interface Downloadable {

  //abstract methods

  public String getUrl();

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1. The presentation of data is becoming more and more important in today's Internet. Some people argue that the TCP/IP protocol suite needs to add a new layer to take care of the presentation of data. If this new layer is added in the future, where should its position be in the suite?



It is important to add presentation layer after the physical layer, so that the data along with it's headers can be translated, when the receiver machine is applying a set of different characters.

Data compression is also required to reduce the space that is occupied by data during transmission, now once the presentation is added to the physical layer, data from the physical layer can be compressed at the presentation layer and sent by improving the throughput.



The presentation of data involves the following as shown below:

Presentation of data comprises of the task like translating between receiver and sender devices so that machines with different capabilities sets can communicate with one another.

It involves encoding  and decoding of data to provide data security that is been transmitted by different machines.

Data sometimes needs to compressed for efficiency improvement  for transmission.

The physical layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite is responsible or refers to the transmission of physical data over a physical medium

It is good or important to add presentation layer after the physical layer, so that the data along with it's headers can be translated, when the receiver machine is applying a set of different characters.

Data encryption at this stage is good for security instead of encrypting the data at upper/higher layers.

Hence, it is advisable to add presentation layer after the physical layer in the TCP/IP suite.



The layer ought to be embedded between Layer 2 and 3.


Applications often communicate with each other. This cannot be successful if they don't see data the same way. The Presentation Layer in the Open Systems Interconnection defines how data is presented and is often processed in the TCP/IP applications.

While the Presentation Layer does not exist as a different layer in the TCP/IP protocol order of arrangement, it is important to note that the Network Layer is also known referred to as the TCP/IP’s Network Layer.

Therefore, if the presentation of the data layer will be separated, it should be between layer 2 and 3.  


The resultant force is directed along the positive x axis and has a magnitude of 1330 N. Determine the magnitude of F_A. Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. Determine the direction theta of F_A. Express your answer using three significant figures.



the magnitude of F_A is 752 N

the direction theta of F_A is 57.9°


Given that,

Resultant force = 1330 N in x direction

∑Fx = R

from the diagram of the question which i uploaded along with this answer

FB = 800 N

FAsin∅ + FBcos30 = 1330 N

FAsin∅ = 1330 - (800 × cos30)

FA = 637.18 / sin∅

Now ∑Fx = 0

FAcos∅ - FBsin30 = 0

we substitute for FA

(637.18 / sin∅)cos∅ = 800 × sin30

637.18 / 800 × sin30 = sin∅/cos∅

and we know that { sin∅/cos∅ = tan∅)

so tan∅ = 1.59295

∅ = 57.88° ≈ 57.9°


FA = 637.18 / sin∅

we substitute ∅

so FA = 637.18 / sin57.88

FA = 752 N

A container filled with a sample of an ideal gas at the pressure of 150 Kpa. The gas is compressed isothermally to one-third of its original volume. What is the new pressure of the gas a)-900 kpa b)- 300 kpa c)- 450 kpa d)- 600 kpa


Answer: c) 450 kPa


Boyle's Law: This law states that pressure is inversely proportional to the volume of the gas at constant temperature and number of moles.

P\propto (1)/(V)     (At constant temperature and number of moles)



P_1 = initial pressure of gas  = 150 kPa

P_2 = final pressure of gas  = ?

V_1 = initial volume of gas   = v L

V_2 = final volume of gas  = (v)/(3)L

150* v=P_2* (v)/(3)  


Therefore, the new pressure of the gas will be 450 kPa.

Determine the voltage across a 2-μF capacitor if the current through it is i(t) = 3e−6000t mA. Assume that the initial capacitor voltage is zero g



v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}] mV


The voltage across a capacitor at a time t, is given by:

v(t) = (1)/(C) \int\limits^(t)_(t_0) {i(t)} \, dt + v(t_0)                 ----------------(i)


v(t) = voltage at time t

t_(0) = initial time

C = capacitance of the capacitor

i(t) = current through the capacitor at time t

v(t₀) = voltage at initial time.

From the question:

C = 2μF = 2 x 10⁻⁶F

i(t) = 3e^(-6000t) mA

t₀ = 0

v(t₀ = 0) = 0

Substitute these values into equation (i) as follows;

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt + v(0)    

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt + 0

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt            

v = (3)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {e^(-6000t)} \, dt             [Solve the integral]

v = (3)/(2*10^(-6)*(-6000))  {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = (-3000)/(12)  {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} - [-250 {e^(-6000(0))]

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} - [-250]

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} + 250

v = 250 -250 {e^(-6000t)}

v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}]

Therefore, the voltage across the capacitor is v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}] mV