Whats a snoogley please help


Answer 1
Answer: Somthing that you cuddle

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Heat energy (and light energy if they ask for two answers)

What is the velocity of a car that travels 100 meters north in for seconds


The velocity is 25 because you just divide 100/4
The equation for velocity is distance/time.. So if it goes 100m in 4 seconds.. It's 100/4 which equals 25 mls north. (Velocity includes the direction in the answer)

Mildred takes a pound of frozen hamburger meat out of the freezer and puts it into the refrigerator.Which of the following best describes the direction of heat flow?
A. from the air in the freezer to the air in the refrigerator
B. from the hamburger to the air in the refrigerator
C. from the air in the refrigerator to the hamburger
D. from the hamburger to the air outside the refrigerator


The meat in the freezer is frozen. 
Everything else in the freezer is frozen too. 
Nothing in the refrigerator is frozen. 
The freezer is colder than the refrigerator.  

Mildred takes a pound of frozen hamburger meat out of the freezer
and puts it into the refrigerator.  The meat is colder than anything
else that's in there.

Heat flows from the air in the refrigerator into the frozen hamburger (C)
and warms up the meat.  When the temperature of the meat warms up
to the temperature of the air in the refrigerator, the heat stops flowing.

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Hertz. And since I need 20 characters I’ll give fascinating facts. To find the velocity of a wave you multiply lambda by frequency. Frequency can be found by dividing energy by planks constant ( 6.626x10e-34) or speed divided by wavelength.

You are driving at 35 m/s east and notice another car that is initially located 462 m in front of you and is moving east at 25 m/s. How far do you travel before you pass the other car?


The easiest way to answer this question is by realizing there are relating the velocities of the two cars. To tackle this problem, you have to understand the picture.  Car 1 travels at 35m/s and Car 2 travels at 25m/s.  Based on relative velocities, we can understand that Car 1 travels 10m/s faster than Car 2 every second.  So we can interpret Car 1's relative velocity to Car 2 as 10m/s.  Car 1 needs to travel 10m/s till a point of catching up to Car 2 which is 462m away.

v = 10m/s

d = 462m

v = d/t

(10) = (462)/t

t = 46.2s

So it takes 46.2 seconds for Car 1 to catch up to Car 2, but the question is asking how far does Car 1 travel to catch up.  So we have to use Car 1's velocity and not the relative velocity:

v = 35m/s

v = d/t

(35) = d/(46.2)

d = 1617m

Car 1 traveled a total distance of 1617m.

-- You are 462 meters behind.

-- You're gaining on him at the rate of  (35m/s - 25m/s)= 10 m/s.

-- At that rate, it'll take you (462m / 10m/s)= 46.2 seconds to over take him.

-- During that time, you'll cover (46.2s x 35m/s)= 1,617 meters.

Who is the silentest that revised the atomic modle


Bohr is the scientist you are looking for my friend...;)