What is an antonym for delicate?


Answer 1
Answer: An antonym for delicate would be strong, and durable
Answer 2
Answer: An antonym for delicate could be tough, durable, strong, hard or powerful

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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "B. romanticism ." The character Peyton Farquhar in Ambrose Bierce's "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" possesses characteristics most closely related to a literary movement called B. romanticism 

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A. modernism B. romanticism C. realism D. naturalism E. postmodernism


The character Peyton Farquhar in Ambrose Bierce's "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" possesses characteristics most closely related to romanticism and naturalism.

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A. Henry uses irony to highlight the love Jim and Della feel for each other, whereas Maupassant uses irony to emphasize the rewards of hard work.

B. Henry uses irony to surprise the reader in the foolishness of Jim and Della, while Maupassant uses irony to focus attention on the result of the Loisels' errors in judgment.

C. Henry uses irony as a means of communicating the depths of the Youngs' love for one another, while Maupassant's use of irony communicates the needless suffering caused by the Loisels' pride. ***

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Hey, there!

B. Henry uses irony to surprise the reader in the foolishness of Jim and Della, while Maupassant uses irony to focus attention on the result of the Loisels' errors in judgment

Hope this helps :)


the answer is B

( Henry uses irony to surprise the reader in the foolishness of Jim and Della, while Maupassant uses irony to focus attention on the result of the Loisels' errors in judgment. )



The terms "hip hop" and "rap" describe two completely different styles of music.


That's true rap is a type of song that you sing fast. Hip-hop is different too 
Not All Hip Hop Is/Has Rap
Not All Rap Is Hip Hop
The "Rap" Genre Is a Subset of "Urban" and "R&B/Hip-Hop" in the Music Industry
hope this helped...

Which statement about literary theories is true?Each theory is a different eyeglass through which to look at literature.
Each theory reveals the exact interpretation of a given piece of text.
Theories are not practical and should not be considered when analyzing literature.
Theories are complex and should not be used unless one has a degree in English literature.


Each theory is a different eyeglass through which to look at literature." is the correct statement about literary theories.
This means that opinions vary on different kind of person, events and happenings. Different eyeglass refers to the different point of view of every individual.

Each theory is a different eyeglass through which to look at literature.

Harsh words intended to hurt someonea. sarcasm
b. paradox
c. satire
d. ballad


I would go with Sarcasm as the answer because in general sarcasm is meant to tear people down. Hopefully this helps and good luck!!!

I would have chosen c) Satire as it twists somebody's words to make them sound unintelligent, incorrect or just to criticize them, which may be hurtful.

but if you feel my answer is incorrect, you can choose as the commenter above of a) Sarcasm.

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The correct answer should be to the South and to the West considering that South and West are rather uninhabited compared to the far east side. 
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