Which of the following best explains why the order of events is important in the "house divided" speech? a. lincoln wants to establish a clear chronological sequence because his audience is not familiar with these events.

b. lincoln voted for the nebraska doctrine, so he wants to make sure his facts are correct.

c. lincoln makes inferences based on the order of events as a rhetorical strategy to persuade his audience to side with his point of view.

d. the order of events helps explain why lincoln made his "house divided" allusion.


Answer 1

The correct answer is absolutely C.

Answer 2

Answer: c. lincoln makes inferences based on the order of events as a rhetorical strategy to persuade his audience to side with his point of view

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the part of the excerpt from the gettysburg in which Abraham Lincoln Argue that the outcome of the war will depend on the determination and loyalty of northern citizens would be :
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hope this helps

Answer: The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.

I Hope this was helpful and enjoy.

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Answer: Can y post the text with it?

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Hope this helps
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Morphology is arbitrary rather than systematic.




The correct anser is: true.


Morphology is a core part of linguistic and it refers to the study of the words' internal structure, undestanding words as the smallest independent units of language.

Words exhibit the following characteristics: (1) they do not depend on other words, (2)  they can be separated from other units  or words and (3) they can change position. Therefore, since words are independent, can be separated from other words, and move around in sentences, it could be said that morphology is arbitrary rather than systematic.

The answer is true.