Which of the following terms is used to describe a program that copies itself repeatedly, using up resources and possibly shutting down the computer or network?(A) A virus
(B) A warm
(C) A trojan horse
(D) A rootkit


Answer 1

Answer: Option (B) is correct.


A worm in technical sense is also known as a computer worm which is a self-replicating virus/ malicious content that replicates itself in order to spread to the uninfected PC. They often use components of an OS (operating system) which are automatic and also invisible to an individual. It should be duly noted that it is usual for a computer worm to be observed only when their replication utilizes system content, slowing other tasks at hand.

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Describe a strategy for avoiding nested conditionals. Give your own example of a nested conditional that can be modified to become a single conditional, and show the equivalent single conditional.



One of the strategies to avoid nested conditional is to use logical expressions such as the use of AND & operator.

One strategy is to use an  interface class with a method. That method can be created to be used for a common functionality or purpose. This is also called strategy design pattern. You can move the chunk of conditional statement to that method. Then each class can implement that interface class and use that shared method according to their own required task by creating objects of sub classes and call that common method for any such object. This is called polymorphism.


Nested conditionals refers to the use of if or else if statement inside another if or else if statement or you can simply say a condition inside another condition. For example:

if( condition1) {  

//executes when condition1 evaluates to true

  if(condition2) {

//executes when condition1  and condition2 evaluate to true

  }  else if(condition3) {

 //when condition1 is true and condition3 is true

} else {

 //condition1  is true but neither condition2 nor conditions3 are true

}  }

The deeply nested conditionals make the program difficult to understand or read if the nested conditionals are not indented properly. Also the debugging gets difficult when the program has a lot of nested conditionals.

So in order to avoid nested conditionals some strategies are used such as using a switch statement.

Here i will give an example of the strategies i have mentioned in the answer.

Using Logical Expressions:

A strategy to avoid nested conditionals is to use logical expressions with logical operators such as AND operator. The above described example of nested conditionals can be written as:

if(condition1 && condition2){  //this executes only when both condition1 and condition2 are true

} else if(condition1 && condition3) {

this executes only when both condition1 and condition3 are true

} else if(condition1 ){

//condition1  is true but neither condtion2 nor condtion3 are true  }

This can further be modified to one conditional as:


// when  condition1 and condition2 are true



// condition3 is true

Now lets take a simple example of deciding to go to school or not based on some conditions.

if (temperature< 40)


   if (busArrived=="yes")


       if (!sick)


           if (homework=="done")


               printf("Go to school.");





This uses nested conditionals. This can be changed to a single conditional using AND logical operator.

if ((temperature <40) && (busArrived=="yes") &&

(!sick) && (homework=="done"))

{    cout<<"Eligible for promotion."; }

The second strategy is to use an interface. For example you can

abstract class Shape{

//declare a method common to all sub classes

  abstract public int area();

// same method that varies by formula of area for different shapes


class Triangle extends Shape{

  public int area() {

     // version of area code for Triangle

return (width * height / 2);



class Rectangle extends Shape{

  public int area() {

     // version of area code for Rectangle

    return (width * height)



// Now simply create Rectangle or Triangle objects and call area() for any such object and the relevant version will be executed.

An attacker has obtained the user ID and password of a data center's backup operator and has gained access to a production system. Which of the following would be the attacker's NEXT action? A. Perform a passive reconnaissance of the network.
B. Initiate a confidential data exfiltration process
C. Look for known vulnerabilities to escalate privileges
D. Create an alternate user ID to maintain persistent access





Based on the information provided surrounding this scenario, it can be said that the most likely next course of action would be to create an alternate user ID to maintain persistent access. This would allow the attacker to have continuous access into the network in the case that the system administrators detect that the operator's user ID and password have been compromised. Thus also giving the attacker ample time to infiltrate and find vulnerabilities in the network through an alternate hidden user ID.

Once upon a time there was a country called Plusplusland. The monetary system they used there was simple: the currency name was the "plussar" and their central bank issued five different banknotes of values 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 plussar.Your task is to write a program for the ATMs of Plusplusland. The program should find the minimal number of banknotes needed to deliver any amount of money to the client.The Treasury Minister has asked you personally to do this. He expects your code to print the values of all the needed banknotes in a row – this is the format accepted by all ATMs in Plusplusland. Your program will require the use of an integer array combined with different loops to process the currency.Test your code using the sample data provided below......Example input125Example output50 50 20 5Example input127Example output50 50 20 5 1 1Example input49Example output20 20 5 1 1 1 1(HINT: Here is an array that maybe helpful for all known banknotes ordered from the most valuable to the leastint banknotes[] = {50, 20, 10, 5, 1} and then use your skill with array related processing combining different kinds of loops)




The answer coded in Javascript is:

function minimalNumbersOfBanknotes(input) {

var banknotes = [50, 20, 10, 5, 1];

var output = '';

 //Each while writes on output variable the banknote and substract the same quantity on input variable.

 //If the input is lesser than the value of while banknote, step into next while.

  for (var i = 0; i < banknotes.length; i++) {

      while(input >= banknotes[i]) {

         output = output + '  ' + banknotes[i];

         input = input - banknotes[i];



 return output;


Question textIf operator+ is supported by a class, how many parameters should it be defined to accept?

Select one:

a. 1 or 2

b. 2

c. 3

d. 1

e. None



b. 2


As we know operator + is supported by the class.Since we know that the + operator binary operator means it needs two operands to work upon it cannot work on one operand.++ operator is unary operator it works on one operand only.

For example:-



Hence we conclude that the answer is 2.

What is this car first to awnser is the brianliest


Answer: Lamborghini

Explanation: Is it yours

Lamborghini ?????????????