What can quantum computers do more efficiently than regular computers?


Answer 1


QC process the same information in quantum bits or qubits which are 1s and 0s. qubits have a third state called “superposition” that allows them to represent a one or a zero at the same time

For Example, Factoring / Multiplying two large numbers is easy for any computer. But calculating the factors of a very large (say, 200-digit) number, on the other hand, is considered impossible for any PC. While Quantum Computers can perform the same task in few seconds.

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A decoder is a circuit which has n inputs and 2n outputs, and outputs 1 on the wire corresponding to the binary number represented by the inputs. For example, a 2-4 decoder might be drawn like this:

and its truth table (again, really four truth tables, one for each output) is:

i1  i0  d3  d2  d1  d0

0 0 0 0 0 1

0 1 0 0 1 0

1 0 0 1 0 0

1 1 1 0 0 0


The following circuit generates all four minterms from two inputs, and implements the 2-4 decoder.

Question 4(10pt): sum of the max value found in each row Write a function maxSum that takes two parameters; a 2D integer array with 10 columns, and the number of rows. The function must return the sum of the maximum value from each row.



Following is the program in c++ language  

#include <iostream> // header file

using namespace std; // namespace

int maxSum(int ar[][10],int r) // function definition of  maxsum


  int s=0; // varaible declaration

  for(int k=0;k<r;k++)// iterating the loop


      int maximum=ar[k][0]; //finding the maximum value

      for(int k2=0;k2<10;k2++)// iterating the loop


          if(maximum<ar[k][k2]) // check the condition


            maximum=ar[k][k2];   // storing the value in the maximum variable



       s=s+maximum;//adding maximum value to the sum


  return s; // return the sum


int main() // main function


  int ar[][10]={{5,2,8,-8,9,9,8,-5,-1,-5},{4,1,8,0,10,7,6,1,8,-5}}; // initilaized array

  cout<<"sum of maximum value:";

  int t=maxSum(ar,2); // function calling

  cout<<t; // display the maximum value



sum of maximum value:19


Following are the description of Program  

  • The main method declared and initialized an array ar with the column value 10.
  • After that call the method maxsum .The control will move to the function definition of maxsum.
  • In the function header of maxisum there are two value i.e array "ar" and "r".
  • In this function definition, we adding the maximum value to the sum and return the variable "s".
  • In the main function, we print the value.

Look at the following assignment statements:word1 = "skate"
word2 = "board"

What is the correct way to concatenate the strings?

newWord = word1 / word2
newWord = word1 + word2
newWord = word1 * word2
newWord = word1 = word2


The correct way to concatenate the strings is:

newWord = word1 + word2


newWord = word1 + word2


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Code is provided in the attachment form


Vector Multiplication code:

Vector_multiplication.c file contains C code.

See attachment no 1 attached below

Classification of Algorithm: For creating elements in vector c of size n, number of scalar  multiplications is equal to n. The size of original two vectors scales directly with the number of  operations. Hence, it is classified as O(n).

What is the analysis and complexity of a shell sortalgorithms?


Answer: The shell sort is based on insertion sort. Here the list of elements are divided into smaller sub list which are sorted based on insertion sort.

Its best case time complexity is O(n* logn) and worst case is O(n* log^2 n)


Shell sort is an inplace sorting here we begin by dividing the list into sublist and sorting the list with insertion sort. We create interval for dividing the list into sub list until we reach the smallest interval of 1.

The best case is O(n* logn).

Constructing a concurrent server by spawning a process has some advantages and disadvantages compared to multithreaded servers. Discuss a few.



The advantage and the disadvantage of the relevant query are illustrated in the explanation in the paragraph below.



  • The benefit of creating a simultaneous server through spawning a mechanism seems to be that alternative methods are shielded against everyone else, which would be very necessary whenever the extremely database manages communication services entirely.


  • The downside about creating a concurrent system through spawning a methodology seems to be that this process seems to be very expensive but using multicore processing systems should save this expense. It is also easier when using threads again for the aim of communicating between two or even more participants although we stop the kernel executing the correspondence.