If we assume that 60 % of the kinetic energy delivered by a 1.80-kg hammer with a speed of 7.80 m/s is transformed into heat that flows into the nail and does not flow out, what is the temperature increase of an 8.00-g aluminum nail after it is struck ten times?


Answer 1




Kinetic energy = (1)/(2)mv^2

Use m= 1.80kg and v=7.80m/s (mass and speed of hammer).

K = 0,5*1.80kg*(7.80m/s)^2 = K=54.8J

Heat is 60% of Kinetic energy. Q = 0.6*54.8J = 32.9J

As it is stuck 10 times the total heat is 10*32.9J = Total Heat = 329J

Use the equation Q = mC_v \Delta T to find change of temperature:

\Delta T = (Q)/(mC_v)

Q = 329J; m = 8.00g of aluminium; C_v = 0.900J/g°C (For aluminium)

\Delta T = (329J)/(8.00g*0.900J/g°C)

Calculating gives Change of Temperature = 45.6°C

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That's a description of what makes the "Wankel engine" unique.

When it first came to the USA market, it came as the guts of a
new brand of car . . . the Mazda.  I don't know if some, or all, or
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Google answer by the way.

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The problem gives us the value for the initial velocity of the race car, and the time it takes for the race car to come to a complete stop. The question however, proves to be tricky. The question states as follow: "what is the acceleration of the car after 12.0 seconds?" Since it was already established that the car has come to a halt in 12.0 seconds, therefore, the acceleration would have to be 0, as the car would not be moving at all.

Final answer:

The acceleration of the race car after 12.0 seconds is -3.33 m/s^2.


To find the acceleration of the race car after 12.0 seconds, we need to use the formula for acceleration: acceleration = change in velocity / time. The initial velocity of the race car is 144 km/h, and it comes to a halt, so the final velocity is 0 km/h. We need to convert these velocities to meters per second (m/s) before using the formula.

Given that 1 km/h = 0.2778 m/s, the initial velocity is 144 km/h x 0.2778 m/s = 40 m/s. Similarly, the final velocity is 0 km/h x 0.2778 m/s = 0 m/s.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get: acceleration = (0 m/s - 40 m/s) / 12.0 s = -3.33 m/s^2.

Learn more about acceleration here:



What kinds of bonds can happen between the elements of a compound


What kinds of bonds can happen between the elements of a compound?

Covalent and Ionic

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