Which of the following best describes how European powers responded to Islamic expansion?


Answer 1
Answer: Hi There! :)

Europeans viewed the spread of Islam as a threat and actively worked to stop it. 

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Among the successes of the U.N. are the maintenance of peace.  Despite the eruption of conflict, it still manages to preserve the universal peace wherein it would not lead to a full scale global conflict.  It has provided many humanitarian missions around the world.  It has also apprehended war criminals and tried them for crimes against humanity. It has provided food for areas where people are starving due to lack of food.  It also has its share of failures such preventing the ethnic cleansing campaigns in Bosnia and Rwanda.  There was the oil for food scandal where food was provided and paid in cash but it went to the hands of private individuals.    It is more successful in humanitarian missions because it has the support of the countries concerned as well as the international community.  It has difficulty in military security because it cannot intervene through military might.because it would be pulled into the conflict.

How did france contribute to the colonization of texas​



The French colonization of Texas began with the establishment of a fort in present-day southeastern Texas. It was established in 1685 near Arenosa Creek and Matagorda Bay by explorer Robert Cavelier de La Salle.


You asked, I answered.

Hope this helped! :)

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Based on how the 15th amendment was worded, women would not have been able to vote because it only said that there will be no bias when it comes to "race, color, or previous condition of servitude", which was mainly referring to African-Americans during that time. But more specifically, men. The 19th Amendment paved way to women's right to suffrage because it prohibited any citizen from the United States to not have the right to vote based on gender. 

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B. Anita Bryant's book explaining how gays could become part of the social landscape
C. a psychology book that addressed ways for women to use their feminine wiles
D. a new way for women to function within the context of their traditional roles


The best option regarding The Feminine Mystique would be "A. Betty Friedan's book, which inspired the second wave of the women's movement," since this was the most notable book of the movement. 


The answer is A) Betty Friedan's book, which inspired the second wave of the women's movement.

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The cost of the items, as a lower supply would mean each of the items would have to cost more, and a higher demand would also increase the value of the items since more people want it, they can't supply everyone.

What did Clara Lemlich accomplish in 1909


Clara Lemlich accomplished better working conditions for female garment workers in New York City in 1909.

She was an Ukrainian immigrant in the United States who led the Uprising of the 20,000 which was a massive strike in which women in the garment making industry took the streets to call for better rights for workers such as better working hours or improved wages. Later on, she became a member of the Communist Party USA and a consumer activist.