If a person looking at a poster sees green instead of yellow and doesn't see red at all, this person most likely has color blindness where _______ nerves fail to respond to light properly.


Answer 1


The correct answer is red-sensitive nerves.


The individuals with protanopia do not possess the tendency to sense red light, the individuals with tritanopia do not sense blue light, and the individuals with deuteranopia do not sense green light. If an individual is perceiving green color then in that case, the yellow sensitive nerves must function somewhat efficiently as green is an amalgamation of blue and yellow. Thus, the red-sensitive nerves would not be reacting appropriately for this individual.

Answer 2
Answer: Umm that's 'cones' a being has rods and cones to distinguish between colors and dark / black light . one would use cones for colored light or colors and rods when its dark . 

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Here's what I get  


In double-displacement (metathesis) reactions, such as precipitation and acid-base reactions, the cations of two compounds exchange places; these reactions are not redox processes.

General Reaction: AB + CD → AD + CB  

In solution, single-displacement reactions occur when an atom of one element displaces the atom of another. Since one of the reactants is an element, all single-displacement reactions are redox processes.

General Reaction: X + YZ → XY + Z

Answer :

In double-displacement (metathesis) reactions, such as precipitation and acid-base reactions, the cations of two reactants exchange places; these reactions are not redox processes.

In solution, single-displacement reactions occur when an atom of one element displaces the atom of another. Since one of the reactants is an element, all single-displacement reactions are redox processes.

Explanation :

Double-displacement reaction : It is defined as the reaction in which the cation of two reactants molecule exchange their places to give two different products.

The double-displacement reaction are not a redox reaction.

It is represented as :

AB+CD\rightarrow AD+CB

Where A and C are the cations and B and D are the anions.

Single-displacement reaction : It is a type of reaction in which the more reactive metal displaces the least reactive metal from its solution.

It is represented as :

A+BC\rightarrow AC+B

Where A is the most reactive metal and BC is the compound in which the B is the least reactive metal which is displaced by the most reactive metal A.

The single-displacement reaction are a redox reaction.

Please help!The following gases are at STP. Which one will diffuse the fastest? O2, H2, SO2, NO, NH3


Hydrogen will defuse the fastest because it is the lightest

11. Consider the elements neon, bromine, and phosphorus. Which has five electrons in its 4p sublevel?


Only bromine. You have to write electron configuration:

Find the [H+] in an acetic acid solution that has a pH of 5.12


pH = 5.2
[H+] = ?

Knowing that: (
Equation to find the pH of a solution)
pH = -log[H+]

pH = -log[H+]
5.2 = - log [H+]
Knowing that the exponential is the opposite operation of the logarithm, then we have:
[H+] = 10^(-5.2)
\boxed{\boxed{[H+] = 6.30*10^(-6)}}\end{array}}\qquad\quad\checkmark

What happens when an electron moves to a higher energy level?The atom loses the electron.

The atom becomes more stable.

The electron gains energy.


Answer: Option (c) is the correct answer.


When energy is supplied to an electron then on absorption of energy it tends to move from a lower energy level to higher energy level.

And, when this electron moves from higher energy level to lower energy level then excess of energy absorbed by it is released in the form of visible light or radiation.

This emission of energy is also responsible for imparting color to a compound.

Thus, we can conclude that electron gains energy when an electron moves to a higher energy level.


The electrons in an atom exist in various energy levels. When an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, energy is absorbed by the atom. When an electron moves from a higher to a lower energy level, energy is released (often as light).


The electrons in an atom exist in various energy levels. When an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, energy is absorbed by the atom. When an electron moves from a higher to a lower energy level, energy is released (often as light).

What's at the bottom of a black hole?


All matter in a black hole is crushed into a single point at the center called singularity.