Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?A. While his dad put the jack under the car, Trey looked for the tire iron in the trunk.

B. While his dad put the jack under the car; Trey looked for the tire iron in the trunk.

C. While his dad put the jack; under the car, Trey looked for the tire iron in the trunk.

D. While his dad put the jack, under the car Trey looked for the tire iron, in the trunk.


Answer 1
Answer: The sentence which is punctuated correctly is this one:

A. While his dad put the jack under the car, Trey looked for the tire iron in the trunk.

The use of comma is evident in this sentence to separate the dependent and independent clauses and initiate a brief pause between them.
Answer 2




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A limerick is written in _____. anapests dactyls iambs trochees
A radio station plays a commercial. It features a famous singer introducing herself and saying that she listens to the station. What propaganda technique is being used to convince you that the station is the best? a. Facts and stats b. Glittering generalities c. Plain folks d. Testimonial
(1) Planting a tree is fun but it is also hard work. (2) You start by digging a hole twice as wide as the roots of the baby tree. (3) After you dig the hole, place the roots in the ground and cover them with dirt. (4) Finally, soak the roots of the tree with water.Which sentence in the paragraph above has an error? A. sentence 4 B. sentence 2 C. sentence 1 D. sentence 3
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On Monday, David’s bank balance was $97. On Tuesday, his bank balance had changed by $56. Which amount could be the correct amount in David’s bank balance on Tuesday?
a. $163
b. $56
c. $41
d. $9


To find the amount in David's bank balance on Tuesday( bank balance, by the way, is the amount of money in an account) you need to subtract his amount on Monday by how much it changed.
$97 - $56 = $41.
Therefore, he has $41 in his bank balance on Tuesday.

Is the verb of this sentence transitive or intransitive? My mother types well.


My mother types well. The verb there is intransitive because there is no object receiving the action. 

The correct answer is Intransitive


In grammar, a verb is considered as transitive if the verb needs an object to express a complete idea. On the other hand, a verb is intransitive if it is not necessary to include an object after it and the sentence can be complete without having an object. Examples of transitive verbs include ride, hug or buy that need a noun after the verb, while others such as sleep, go or speak do not need an object. This means in the case of "My mother types well" this can be classified as an intransitive verb, because there is not an object after the verb "type" but only an adjective that describes the action, and also, despite there is no an object the sentence is complete.

Combine each sentences into a new one, using “adj + enough + to.V1. She is not young . She can’t work by herself.

2. The boy is intelligent. He can understand you.

3. Mai is good. She can pass the examination.

4. The girl is careful. She can mend this shirt.

5. This machine is not powerful. It cannot plough the hard soil.

6. Your sister was not good . She couldn’t do this exercise in a few minutes.

7. Peter is very ill. He can see the doctor.

8. Mary is not young . She cannot do that work.

9. We were not late. We could not see the first part of the play.

10. The children were very eager. They started playing without me.

11. He is not short . He can’t play volleyball.

12. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

13. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.

14. Mr Robinson is not poor . He can’t buy a house.

15. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood.



she is not old enough to work by herself

the boy is intelligent enough to understand you

Mai is good enough to pass the exam

the girl is careful enough to mend this shirt

What is the most common metrical foot in English poetry?


The most common metrical foot in English poetry is the imabic foot. Thatis a stressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.

Hope this helps if you have any other question or would like further explanation just let me know! :)

What mood do words and phrases such as "fairer House," "Everlasting Roof," and "gather Paradise" create in Dickinson's "I dwell in Possibility"? A.





Answer: A. puzzled

The words fairer house, everlasting roof and gather paradise can be found in the poem written by Dickinson that is entitled I Dwell In Possibility. These three sets of phrases are used as metaphors by the poet in the poem. Their meanings are far beyond the words themselves.


It is Joyous


A way to categorize information and point you to where to find that information is called


The way to categorize information and point a person to where the information can be found is called a Table of Contents. This is a page that contains specific topics and will show which page or pages the information can be found on.


Table of contents (C)
