The 2000 presidential election was decided by electoral college votes in the state ofa. Florida.
c. Texas.
b. California.
d. New York.


Answer 1
Answer: A. Florida
There was a major mess up and the votes had to be recounted a bunch of times.
Answer 2


State of Florida


Election was messed up and needed to be recounted, Supreme court had to get involved.

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The question is asking "Which statement best explains why immigrants and factory owners worked together but often lived in different parts of a city?", but, unfortunately, the options are missing. However, we can understand that the immigrants worked in the factories for the factory owners - which would mean that they were paid less than the factory owners. The factory owners then presumably lived in more expensive areas that the immigrants would not be able to live in.
immigrants worked in the factories for the factory owners - which would mean that they were paid less than the factory owners.

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Primary reason was that he wanted a divorce with his wife, Catherine of Aragon.

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To ensure production of vital war materials and resolve labor disputes, the government created the "d. National War Labor Board," since it was clear that such a task required federal oversight. 

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B. Federal court districts never cross state lines.
C. Each of the 12 regional circuits has a court of appeals.
D. The U.S. Tax Court is a special federal court.


A. The Supreme Court hears most of the cases brought to it on appeal. - this is false because the supreme court chooses cases based on whether they are important to the country. If it was true they would have taken the dozens of cases on whether gay marrigage should be allowed in the US, it has been brought to the supreme court virtually every year since the 90s but hasn't been really addressed untill recently

What was the purpose of Hitler's concentration camps? A. to educate German Jews in Nazi philosophy B. to train German youth to fight C. to provide a safe haven for those being persecuted by the Nazis D. to detain and kill Jews


D. To detain and kill Jews. Many were modified during the Second World War into what were then refereed to as "Death Camps", filled with gas chambers and ovens. The ovens were generally used for cremation of the masses of bodies executed using Zyklon B crystals of Cyanide in the chambers, but occasionally live people were tossed into the fires out of spite. Towards the end of the war the ovens were not used often as there was a severe fuel shortage. Instead, beams of wood were prepared before everyone's eyes for the thousands of people who would be burned at one time. There were segments of the camps designed specifically to serve as hospitals of experimentation where horrible experiments were performed on prisoners by individuals like Dr. Josef Mengele, Ilse Koch, and others. And it wasn't just Jewish people who were killed in the camps! Gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, and many Catholics who opposed Hitler were also thrown behind the barbed wire fences (which usually carried a 10,000 volt current).




To detain and kill jews