What did noblemen train falcons to do? A.
fight in battles

sing songs

play games

catch prey


Answer 1
Answer: im pretty sure is D.catch prey

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Which of the following is an example of a theocracy?A. A tribal society with one ruler who relies on his relatives for advice B. A small kingdom where all laws are based on sacred texts C. An empire with a queen who takes advice only from her male advisers D. A society in which decisions are made based on committee vote
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How does socialism differ from capitalism?A. Socialism allows for private ownership, but capitalism does not. B. Socialism values profit over equity, but capitalism does not. C. Socialism lets the market determine prices, but capitalism does not. D. Socialism attempts to redistribute wealth, but capitalism does not
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Is you are asked to describe a characters emotions, what is the related literary question? A. )How does the character feel?
B. )How does the character solve the problem?
C. )what is the nature of the characters conflict?
D. ) What does the character learn during the course of the story?


Answer: If you are asked to describe a characters' emotions, the related literary question is A) "How does the character feel?".

Explanation:Describing a character's emotions is equal to describing what a character feels after going through a particular situation or when considering his/her relationship with another character. Some of the emotions that a character might experience are anger, happiness, annoyance and fear. In that way, this assignment is closely related to the literary question that makes reference to a character's feelings (A. "How does the character feel?").

If you are asked to describe a characters emotions, then you go go with A. That is the most obvious answer.

. A city along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean experiences a seasonal high of 76°F in the summer. The city experiences a seasonal low of 23°F in the winter.Another city is 60 miles inland and at the same latitude and elevation. This city will probably experience _______ summer highs and _______ winter lows.
warmer; cooler
cooler; warmer
cooler; cooler
warmer; warmer


the correct answer is this one: "cooler; warmer." A city along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean experiences a seasonal high of 76°F in the summer. The city experiences a seasonal low of 23°F in the winter.Another city is 60 miles inland and at the same latitude and elevation. This city will probably experience cooler summer highs and warmer winter lows.

thats a stupid answer

the answer is warmer cooler

Brutus' agreement to _____ worries _____a. allow Antony to speak at the funeral, Cassius.
b. lead the republic, Antony.
c. end Cimber's brother's banishment, Cassius.
d. bathe his hands in Caesar's blood, the people.


The answer is A. Allow Antony to speak at the funeral, Cassius

they think that killing Caesar was a necessary sacrifice, but Brutus know that Antony and Caesar were really close and he thought that allowing Antony to speak at the funeral is the right thing to do.

Of course this worry Cassius, because Brutus just about to give a speech about how is it necessary to kill Caesar in front of his best friend

What technique does a historian use when organizing events, beliefs, and individuals into past, present, and future categories?



Chronological Thinking


That's what we name the ability to organize events in the order in which they have happened by being able to separate them and place them correctly in a time line. To do so, you must be able to identify patterns, change, and historical continuity.

Explain and discuss the main currents of postwar pessimistic culture


When a conflict ends, it does not mean problems are over.  There are a lot of things that still needs to be resolve.  People who have been through these conflicts experience fear, frustration and hopelessness.  The devastation of conflict can create these feelings especially when people have nothing left.  What is needed is immediate relief and aid to ensure people recover from such an experience.

Lenin was smuggled back in to russia by the germans, because they thought he might?


The Germans wanted Lenin to start a revolt to take Russia out of the war.
Other Questions
1: How was the television developed? A) mostly through the efforts of a single inventor B) as the result of accidental discoveries about radio waves C) mainly to support the development of the space program D) through the contributions of several scientists 2: Which best describes the impact television had on the world in the 1940s and 1950s? A) It contributed greatly to the rapid industrialization and modernization of many countries. B) Television reinforced the world’s vision of America as a land of plenty. C) Television had very little effect on world culture in the 1940s and 1950s. D) The United States and the Soviet Union used television as a weapon during the Cold War. 3: What message might President Kennedy have intended to convey in 1961 when he made the statement in the box attached? A) The United States should abandon the space program if it cannot land a man on the moon within ten years. B) The United States is the only country that will ever be capable of landing a man on the moon. C) The United States can show its superiority to the Soviet Union by sending a man to the moon. D) It is important to maintain the U.S. long-time reputation as the leader in the space race. 4: Which of the following shows an accurate cause and effect sequence of events? A) USSR copies American science programs --> USSR launches Sputnik B) United States sends Alan Shepard into space --> USSR launches Sputnik --> United States increases military budget C) USSR launches Sputnik --> Americans worry that the United States is behind in space race --> U.S. schools increase science and math education 5: Life changed fairly dramatically in the 1950s and 1960s as a result of technologies such as television and satellites. Which describes one result of the change? A) American children began to make significant improvements in school. B) Chinese factory workers were able to produce automobiles in greater quantities. C) Mexican farmers increased the quality and quantity of their crop yields. D) French teenagers wore clothing that was popular in the United States.
2)"They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a... guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us."Patrick HenryMarch 23, 1775Who/what is the adversary Patrick Henry speaks of?A) BritishB) CongressReactivateC) libertyReactivateD) inaction3)How did the French help the American colonists win the Battle of Saratoga?A) by sending troops to aid the colonists.ReactivateB) by planting spies within the British army.ReactivateC) by providing the colonists with gunpowder.ReactivateD) by launching a naval attack against the British.4)Lord Charles Cornwallis role in the American Revolution is significant becauseA) he successfully defeated Washington outside of New York City.ReactivateB) led the British invasion of the colonies by way of the Canada territory.ReactivateC) he abandoned the British Army and declared his allegiance to the Colonial Army.ReactivateD) his invasion of Virginia eventually led to his being trapped in 1781 at the battle of Yorktown.5)“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me; give me liberty or give me death!”- 1775Which famous American made this quote?A) George WashingtonReactivateB) Thomas JeffersonReactivateC) Patrick HenryD) John AdamsReactivate6)This African-American patriot served as a spy for General Lafayette and was instrumental in gathering information about British troop strength and strategy. Who was he?A) Willam DawesReactivateB) Denmark VeaseyReactivateC) James ArmisteadD) Crispus Attucks7)During the American Revolution, women played many roles. Which of these is NOT one of the roles played by women during the Revolutionary War?A) spyReactivateB) soldierReactivateC) laundry & sewingReactivateD) foreign ambassador8)The Battle of Yorktown is significant in the American Revolution becauseA) it was there that the "shot heard ‘round the world" was fired.B) it marked the only time Washington was ever defeated in battle.C) the British victory there succeeded in dividing George Washington's Colonial Army into two parts.D) the British Army surrendered after being surrounded there, marking the end of fighting in the war.During the American Revolution, John Paul Jones was considered to be theA) "Original Son of Liberty."ReactivateB) "Father of the Revolution."ReactivateC) "Father of the American Navy."D) "Grandfather of the Cavalry Charge."Reactivate10)What event should be placed in the blank in this timeline of the Revolutionary War?A) France becomes American ally.B) Americans Retreat at Bunker Hill.C) Americans Capture Ft. Ticonderoga.D) Declaration of Independence Adopted.