List six goal of the preamble to the constitution


Answer 1
Answer: 1. To form a more perfect union.
2. Establish justice
3. Ensure democratic tranquility.
4. Provide for the common defense
5. Promote the general welfare.
6. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity.
Answer 2


1. To form a more perfect union.

2. Establish justice

3. Ensure democratic tranquility.

4. Provide for the common defense

5. Promote the general welfare.

6. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity.


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Which of the following terms best describes the World War I-era poster seen below? A. FascismB. Propaganda
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The correct answer is B.

WWI was the first major conflict in which propaganda and the media played a crucial role.

These kept people who were back home informed of what went on in the battlefields and they were also used by the goverments with the purpouse of shaping the opinions of the audience, depending on the needs that the country had, derived from the war.


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Couldn't get the picture to upload

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Both governments wanted to secure their political influence in the region through support. This is why the Soviet Union and the United States both get involved in proxy wars in Africa during the Cold War


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Caesar Augustus taking power came before Rome because he was the first emperor
Rome becoming a republic is first. This happened in 509BC

What area of agriscience do you find most interesting and why?


This is a personal question, what do you find interesting about agriscience?

Final answer:

Many people find plant genetics, sustainable farming practices, and precision agriculture as interesting areas of agriscience due to their potential impacts on global food security, environmental conservation, and farm productivity, respectively.


Plant genetics is often considered an appealing branch. This area of study, which combines biology and genetics, allows for the development of improved plant varieties. This can contribute to better yields and stronger disease resistance in crops, having a crucial role in global food security.

Another captivating area of agriscience might be sustainable farming practices, which work toward reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. This involves implementing innovative farming techniques, improving water management, reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers, and promoting biodiversity.

Finally, precision agriculture and technology in farming, which involve the use of GPS, data analysis, drones, and other high-tech tools, are attracting attention for their potential to boost efficiency and productivity on farms. The area of agriscience that will seem most interesting to a person likely depends on their personal interests and values.

Learn more about Agriscience here:


The islands of the Caribbean formed from ____. skeletons sand storms soil erosion volcanoes


Volcanos. The Caribbean was formed when the Pacific plate sub-ducted beneath the Caribbean, generating a series of Island archipelagos. This subduction not only generated the Caribbean but also various volcanos along Central America, which is part of the "Pacific Ring of Fire". The formation of the islands can still be seen today with evidence of tectonic activity like the 2008 Haiti earthquake. 

Hope I helped :) 

volcanos and skeletons of coral polyps.

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The English needed to access their colonies in India and the rest of Asia and Oceania.