Determined by the distance between objects and the difference in mass between the objects


Answer 1
Answer: Determined by the distance between objects and the difference in mass between the objects is gravity or gravitational force. Gravity is dependent on those two factors, and is what causes objects on Earth to stay on the ground. It is defined as the "pull" that an object with mass exerts on another object that makes the latter gravitate towards the former. Weight is the measure of gravitational force exerted by a mass.
Answer 2

Answer is gravitational force, according to e2020. Just took the review

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Any motion in a curved path represents accelerated motion, and requires a force directed toward the center of curvature of the path. This force is called the centripetal force which means "center seeking" force. The force has the magnitude

F = mv^2 / r

Where f is the centripetal force

M is the mass

V is the velocity

R is the radius


19 N = m ( 0.54 m/s)^2 / 0.36 m

Solving for m

M = 23.5 kg




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a. Cannot be divided.
He is also attributed with the creation of the name "Atomos" to indicate not-divisible.


cant be dived or destroyed

Which particles make up the nucleus of an atom?


The particles that make up the nucleus of an atom are protons and neutrons.

The nucleus of an atom is composed of two main types of subatomic particles: protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive electric charge, while neutrons have no electric charge, making them neutral. These particles are relatively heavy compared to electrons, which orbit the nucleus.

The protons and neutrons are held together tightly in the nucleus by a strong force called the nuclear force or strong nuclear force. This force overcomes the repulsive force between positively charged protons, keeping the nucleus stable.

The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element's identity. For example, if an atom has one proton, it's hydrogen; if it has six protons, it's carbon, and so on. This number is called the atomic number. The sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus is called the mass number.

To know more about nucleus here


The nucleus of an atom contains the neutrons and protons, while electrons are on the outer shell. 

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c. Elizabeth Loftus
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Knowing the formula for water and table salt is an example of:_________________memory.
a. episodic
b. procedural
c. semantic
d. echoic

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a. hypothalamus
b. hippocampus
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1. Mary Cover-Jones 

2.Knowing the formula for water and table salt is an example of episodic memory.    so d



1) Mary Cover-Jones

2) episodic

3) hippocampus

Hope this helped man!

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c. Copernicus.
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The Ptolemaic theory of the universe wasdisproved by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), letter C and followed by JohannesKepler (1571–1630). Geocentrictheory suggested that the Sun and moon orbited Earth, and the rest of theplanets orbited the Sun is Heliocentric theory. Heliocentric theory of NicolausCopernicus during the Scientific Revolution on 17th and 18thcentury while Geocentric theory was proposed by Ptolemy (AD 150) and Aristotle.Today, we believe more on the Heliocentric theory and it has been proven aswell. 

A 100-meter sprint is a race using only the straight side of a racetrack. A 400-meter sprint is a race that makes one complete lap around a racetrack. Why are velocity and speed the same for a 100-m sprint but not a 400-m sprint?


Speed is a scalar quantity (meaning it can be measured using a single number that represents the amount), while velocity is composed of the scalar quantity plus the direction. As the 100-meter sprint only takes place in one direction, the speed and velocity for this is just the same. For the 400-meter sprint however, the direction of your speed changes as you turn for her curved part of the race. Therefore, a direction change is happening. 

Sample response on Edu is:

In the 100-m sprint, the displacement is 100 meters and the distance is 100 meters. This means speed and velocity are the same for the 100-m sprint. In the 400-m sprint, the distance is 400-m, but the runners stop at the same place they start so the displacement is zero. Zero displacement means zero velocity.