In Langston Hughes’s poem “I Dream a World,” the repetition of the word “dream” emphasizes


Answer 1

Hughes opens and closes the lines with this word. He uses it for times and each of them has its own interpration. Hughes begins his poem with this line:

I dream a world where a man

The line means that the poem itself is about a dream, some unimaginative reality. After three lines he emphasizes the word again:

I dream world where all

With this line, Hughes introduces second set of his dream for the active process. The process is about the present that Hughes has not yet given up that he uses present tense. Therefore, the next line starts the next concept:

A world I dream where black or white

And the last line completes the process by summing up all the wishes:

Of such I dream, my world.

Answer 2


the belief that dreams often remain unrealized due to oppression.


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The other answer on this question only gave one when it asked for two, if I am not mistaken. The one they did give is correct; However, they did not really explain it. So for anyone still looking for this questions answer, or for anyone looking to confirm it, I'll put this here.

- The vivid description of the landscape.

- The first-person point of view.

A vivid description of any nature is a common trait of a memoir. Because memoirs are a collection of memories from the authors real life, they are able to recount such events in more detail than someone who has just made the story up.

The vast majority of memoirs are written in past tense with a first-person point of view. This is because they are recalling real events that happened to them sometime in their past. Although not all memoirs do this, that is still the correct answer because most do, and Shackleton does. Shackleton's "South!" is written in first-person.

The other options do not apply here.

There is no "imagination" in memoirs, because memoirs are factual events. That means the first two are out.

Third-person point of view is also out, because as I stated above, Shackleton's "South!" is written in first-person.

The two elements of Shackleton's South! are common traits of a memoir is the vivid description of the landscape. The rest of the choices do not answer the question above

I have stood still and stopped the sound of feetWhen far away an interrupted cry
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Which of these musical effects is most clearly illustrated in this poem?



The musical effect which is most clearly illustrated in this poem is assonance. It is a literary device used to repeat sound vowels of some words but with different consonants which are stressed in the poem that creates a rhyme. 

Select the correct and entire subordinate clause of the sentence. If you want to attend the college of your choice, you must start researching now. The subordinate clause is _____. to attend the college of your choice, you must start researching nowIf you wantyou must start researching nowIf you want to attend the college of your choice



The entire subordinate clause of the sentence is the following one: "If you want to attend the college of your choice (...)"


The sentence above is a complex sentence since it contains one independent clause and one dependent clause.  The subordinate clause is the one introduced by if. As dependent clauses cannot stand on their own, you can prove that this the subordinate clause in the sentence by using it as a main clause. If the resulting sentence is ungrammatical, then the if clause is the subordinate clause of the sentence (a). As opposed to A, B can stand on its own because it represents a complete thought, it does not depend on the subordinate clause to complete its meaning.

a) *If you want to attend the college of your choice

b) You must star researching now

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A. simple
B. compound
C. compound-complex
D. complex





Which of these sentences using eating as a participle?A. I enjoy eating foods that I have prepared myself.
B. My eating habits are a lot healthier than they used to be.
C. I would have to say that eating is my favorite pastime.
D. This problem has been eating away at me, and I can't sleep.



Two sentences use "eating" as a participle:

B. My eating habits are a lot healthier than they used to be.

D. This problem has been eating away at me, and I can't sleep.


The gerund and the present participle are identical to the eye. They both are formed by adding -ing to a verb root. Thus, "eating" can be a gerund or a participle, according to the context.

The difference between them is quite simple. The gerund acts like a noun, having the same functions a noun would have in a sentence: subject, object of a verb or of a preposition, and subject complement. The present participle, on the other hand, will either act as an adjective, modifying a noun or a pronoun, or be a part of a continuous tense.

That is precisely what we have in options B and D. In option B, "eating" is an adjective modifying the noun "habits". In letter D, "eating" is a part of the Present Perfect Continuous tense. Therefore, in options B and D, "eating" is a participle:

B. My eating habits are a lot healthier than they used to be.

D. This problem has been eating away at me, and I can't sleep.

Read the line from the story below and answer the question that follows. It was a steep bank, and he paused for breath at the top, excusing the act to himself by looking at his watch.

Which of the following BEST illustrates the purpose of the line from the story?

the line illustrates the man is late
the line illustrates the danger of the cold
the line illustrates the man’s ego
the line illustrates the man’s poor health


I would say, judging by him looking at his watch and being so tired from going up a steep hill that he's late. He could've taken his time going up the hill, but he's out of breath, which shows he needed to get up that hill rather quickly.